Make an Artificial Flower Headband

A plain headband can be much improved by the addition of artificial flowers. The flowers can match clothing, a costume or a party theme and they can be anywhere from small to large, depending on your preferences.


Sourcing Suitable Materials

  1. Find a suitable headband. It needs to be large enough for the flowers to be glued to firmly.
    • Check head fit as well as the size; the headband needs to feel comfortable.
  2. Find the flowers. There are various ways to do this:
    • Purchase artificial flowers from a craft store or online.
    • Remove flowers from an existing item you no longer want.
    • You can also remove flowers from hair clips. Just gently break the flowers off and reserve the hair clip for some other use.

Adding the Artificial Flowers

  1. Arrange the flowers on the headband without affixing them first. This way, you will know what sort of arrangement you'd like. When you're happy with how it looks, proceed to affixing them. Some ideas include:
    • A few large flowers in one part of the headband, or evenly spaced across it.
    • Lots of small flowers bunched close together all the way across the headband.
    • A mixture of large, medium and small flowers, like a garden.
  2. Glue the flowers on. Use a glue that is strong and able to handle the materials you're using––many craft glues will suffice like you can use glues designated for glue guns.
    • Wipe away any blobs of glue as you're adding the flowers. These will dry in place and detract from the final look, so it's important to remove them before they dry.
  3. Leave the flowers to dry. Wait about 20 minutes; the drying time can be helped by leaving the headband near an open window in warmer weather.
  4. Wear your new flowery headband and feel like you're on cloud 9.
  5. Finished. Provided you've glued them firmly enough, this headband should last for worthy keeps.


  • Make some clips in the same flowers, for a matching set.

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