Make an Origami Owl

An origami owl is no hard thing. You just have to follow the steps that are written in the instructions below.


  1. Make a square paper or if you already have one you might just skip this step: To create a paper in square form, you first need to have a rectangular paper.
  2. Start with a square piece of paper, with the colored side up. Fold in half diagonally, then open. Then fold in half the other way and open.
  3. Turn the paper over to the white side. Fold the paper in half horizontally, crease well and open, and then fold again in the other direction.
  4. Using the creases you have made, bring the top 3 corners of the model down to the bottom corner. Flatten model.
  5. Fold top triangular flaps into the center and unfold.
  6. Fold top of model downwards, crease well and unfold.
  7. Open the uppermost flap of the model, bringing it upwards and pressing the sides of the model inwards at the same time. Flatten down, creasing well.
  8. Repeat previous step on the other side.
  9. Fold the front and back flap down.
  10. On the top layer, fold the top corners in to the centre line, and repeat on back.
  11. Form the wing by lifting up from the inside, and twisting the wing forwards, then squashing down.Repeat for other wing.
  12. Fold top of model down as shown.
  13. Fold back up along crease shown.
  14. Fold whole top down along crease shown.
  15. Finished.


  • Make your creases good, or else the owl will look all bumpy and it will not look like an owl.
  • You have to follow all the instructions, even if you skip one little step, you will have to start all over again!
  • This origami owl is fun to make, but maybe a little hard with the creases.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper

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