Make the Law of Attraction Work Every Time

How do you make the Law of Attraction work every time? The secret is to discover one’s unconscious thinking in relation to what one desires to create consciously. If the unconscious thinking is in opposition to one’s desires, amend the counterproductive thinking into something that will align with one’s conscious desires. These easy steps will guide you through the process.


  1. Be aware of what you are feeling, and through that, what situation or expectations you are creating. The most important thing is to always know and be aware of how you are feeling. In simple terms, if you are feeling badly (sad, mad, angry, stressed), that will attract bad things (more sadness, more madness, more anger and so on). In the same aspect, if you are feeling happy and good, it will bring more happiness and good things or situations. While it is definitely not easy to always be feeling good, you just have to remind yourself that whatever you're feeling will become your reality.
  2. Breathe in deeply. This enables your to connect to what you are creating. On the exhale, expand to create more room for the connection. Surrender to what you are currently creating. Let go.
  3. Take responsibility for what you are creating. Own it. Use the phrase "I want to experience (place here what you are experiencing)" because on some level you do want to experience it or you wouldn’t be experiencing it.
  4. Visualize what you want, it could be anything from money, relationships, better health, a good grade on your paper, a new job etc. You need to truly visualize and picture yourself having what you want already. Feel what it is to have what you want. The most important thing to remember about visualizing is you do not need to understand or think about how these good things will come. You only need to think about already having them, the rest will fall into place; just wait and see!
  5. Find acceptance. Drop judgment of what you are creating to realize it is simply a creation. Discharge the energy or judgment typically associated with things that you don’t want. These unwanted things have been called negative, wrong or bad.
  6. Become aware of any unconscious thoughts creating against what you want consciously. Go through the first four steps with each unconscious thought that is hidden and in conflict with your conscious desires.
  7. Make peace with the inner conflict about the situation. Bring both sides of your thinking together. Harmonize your conscious and unconscious thinking. Let them both speak and feel. Indeed two parts of you can be in disagreement with each other. Come to a place of being okay with each of them and feel the resulting peace.
  8. Recreate. With awareness, acceptance and peace brought to all parts of you regarding a situation, you have the power to recreate the circumstance and with a higher probability of long-lasting success.
  9. Be grateful and actually happy with your current situation. Find whatever bright side there is to your situation. Even little things, for example: You are late for an appointment and there is no parking, but suddenly someone pulls out of the first spot and it's yours! While many will overlook that, it's a great example of something to be thankful for beyond the obvious things of being healthy, having family around you, being able to keep a roof over your head, etc. What you are grateful for will vary from person to person.
    • If you can continuously be grateful day after day and truly feel good even amid the negative things around you, you will prevail.

Some examples

  • Bills: Your bills are piling up and there's no hope in sight. Picture all those bills disappearing and money coming in instead (remember you don't and shouldn't think about how it will come, just that it will come).
  • Job: If you absolutely hate your job and your boss is just terrible and you're constantly bogged down with work, try this. Picture your dream job or situation, visualize it every day and believe its possible. Who knows––your boss could get transferred and you can receive a promotion, whatever you want to happen!
  • Happy relationship: You really want to be in a healthy and happy relationship but you are not optimistic because you have only had bad experiences. Use the law of attraction for love! Picture your perfect situation, your perfect partner, feel what it is to be in a great happy relationship. Really believe it exists, daydream if you will. You never know! Your next trip to the grocery store, to Starbucks or anywhere else for that matter could lead you to bump into the person of your dreams.


  • Keep an open mind and learn to recognize every good opportunity, no matter how small.
  • When we are aware of the decisions we make in each moment we are making conscious choices. When our choices are unconscious, they are decided possibly in contradiction to what we really desire. This is how unwanted habits or manifestations can control us.
  • Everyone deserves to be happy! Harness the power of your feelings, do not delay; your future depends on it.

Sources and Citations