Massage Hair to Help Blood Circulate Through Hair Follicles

Ever notice that bald people have hair on the sides and the back of their heads? This is because most people lean their head on something like their hand or when sleeping. This is massaging the head, helping hair grow.


  1. Put both of your hands on the top of your head, one on either side. Press down hard and move your hands back and forth side to side round and round in a massaging motion. Do this for all the areas of the top of your head. This will loosen the space between the scalp and the skull and facilitate the blood flow to the hair follicles. That's all there is to it.
  2. Do this several times a day.


  • Eat right to get protein as well as vitamins A, B, and C.
  • Blood needs to reach the hair follicles between the scalp and the skull but if there is no space between the two there can be no circulation.

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