Maximize Fat Burning During Cardio Workouts
Cardio workouts are a favorite among those trying to lose weight. Cardio routines tend to burn more calories, but burning calories does not always translate to burning fat. Aerobic activity done at a moderate intensity (50 – 75% of your maximum heart rate) burns more calories from fat; however, research suggests that this doesn't actually make it the most efficient way to lose fat.
If you want to increase the likelihood fat will be burned during an aerobic routine, you can work on hitting an even intensity, allowing you to work out long enough to burn fat; you can try to incorporate weight lifting prior to aerobics; and you can also do interval training, in which you switch between moderate and intense exertion during your workout routine. Interval training may not burn fat during exercise, but it can lead to greater loss of fat overall.Contents
Hitting the Right Heart Rate
- Learn how to monitor heart rate. You want to make sure you get a good heart rate for burning fat during your workout. A steady heart rate will allow you to work out for a long time, giving your body the ability to burn fat.
- Place your index and third finger against your neck. You should feel a light beating. This is your pulse.
- Count the number of beats per 15 seconds, then multiply this number by four. This is your resting heart rate.
- A healthy resting heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM). If your heart rate is much higher or much lower than this, you may want to talk to your doctor.
Before you can figure out a target heart rate for exercise, learn to measure your heart rate.
- Aim for a heart rate 60% to 70% higher than maximum. Your maximum heart rate is an estimate of the maximum speed at which you heart can beat. To figure out your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, if you're 27, your maximum heart rate would be 193 BPM. (220 - 27 = 193). To burn fat, you would strive for a heart rate 60–70% of this.
- Multiply your maximum heart rate by .7 to figure out the highest your heart rate should be during steady state, fat-burning cardio.. Using the above example, the highest heart rate you should aim for is 135.1.
- Multiply your maximum heart rate by .6 to figure out the lowest your heart rate should be during exercise. In the example used above, this would be 115.8. During workouts, you would try to get your heart rate roughly between 115 and 135 beats per minute.
- You can measure your heart rate during workouts as you would normally measure heart rate. Check your pulse with your index and third finger, count the number of beats in 15 seconds, and multiply that by four.
- Work out for more than half an hour at this intensity. One of the reasons you should strive for a heart rate of 60–70% is that this is a less intense workout and you can maintain this heart rate for a longer time than you could maintain exercise at a higher intensity. It takes the body 30 minutes to rev up to burn fat. If you want to target fat during your aerobic routine, aim for more than 30 minutes of exercise.
- At the same time, keep in mind that burning fat during your cardio workout doesn't necessarily mean it is the most effective way to lose body fat. While this may seem confusing and counterintuitive, research shows that, while more fat is burned during the 90 minutes of working out, a more intense workout (for instance at 80% of HRMax for 30 minutes) will burn calories afterwards and the two might equal out in terms of energy consumption.
Aim for an hour to 90 minutes of your regular aerobic routine, done with your heart rate 60 to 70% the whole time.
- Increase or decrease your heart rate as needed. Your heart rate increases and decreases in direct response to the intensity of your workout. If you find your heart rate is lower than the 60 to 70% range, increase the intensity of your workout to get your heart rate up to speed. If your heart rate is higher than necessary, slow down a bit. After a few workouts, you should be able to get a sense of what level of intensity will produce the right heart rate.
Practicing Weight Training
- Engage in weight training prior to aerobics. Weight training is essential to maximizing fat loss during aerobic activities. Not only does weight training make your body naturally burn more calories, it can warm your body up for fat burning. It takes the body about 30 minutes to get ready to burn fat. You may want to use those 30 minutes weight training at least a couple times a week. This will maximize your body's fat burning potential during aerobic routines.
- Choose a mode of weight training. There are a variety of ways you can engage in weight training. You can use your own body as a weight, use dumbbells at the gym, or work with gym machinery.
- Things like push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal crunches, and leg squats use your own body as weight. If you tend to work out at home, these may be good options for a weight training routine.
- You can purchase resistance tubing at big box or fitness stores. This is a form of lightweight tubing that resists being stretched and varies from very stretchy to highly resistant. There are many weight training regimens you can do with resistance tubing.
- You can also use free weights, like barbells and dumbbells, which you can buy or find at the gym. If you usually work out at your gym, you can use the weight machines there. You may want to talk to a trainer ahead of time, however, to make sure a weight machine is correctly calibrated for your height, size and strength. Machines have settings for bench height, handle heights, incline, decline, etc.
- Start with small repetitions and low weights. If you've never done weight training before, you need to start small. It's recommended you talk to a trainer before beginning a weight training routine, as it's easy to strain yourself if you don't have a sense of your own strength or proper form and technique. When beginning weight training, you want to start with lighter weights.
- Usually, 12 repetitions of a single motion is as much as you should do when starting out. For example, you can hold a dumbbell in one hand and hold it down at your side. Lift the dumbbell up, bending your arm at the elbow, and then lower the dumbbell. Repeat 12 times.
- By the 12th repetition, you should be tired. It should be difficult for you to finish the motion. If you don't feel tired, you may need to get a heavier weight. The amount of weight you can lift depends on your current strength, age, and other factors. You may want to talk to a trainer to get a sense of where you should start.
- Aim for two to three half-hour strength training sessions a week. Ideally, weight training sessions should be around 20 to 30 minutes. If you're looking to rev up for fat loss, you should strive for 30 minutes. You can see results from weight training two or three times per week. You can do strength training more often, but you must work different muscles each day. You should never weight train the same muscles two days in a row, as they need time to rest between sessions.
- For instance, work your legs one day, your arms and chest the next day, your abs and back the next day, etc. Those rest days are when your muscles will actually grow.
- Do aerobics after weight training. Once you've weight trained, do aerobics afterwards. Your body will be revved up for fat loss after 30 minutes of intensive aerobic exercise.
Trying Interval Training
- Decide on the length of your intervals. Interval training is a form of training in which you alternate periods of moderate-intensity exercise with high-intensity exercise. Interval training may help increase fat loss, as it allows you to work out more efficiently. It also burns more calories — your body will continue to burn calories for hours after you have completed HIIT training. If you want to try interval training, decide on the length of your intervals.
- Many people think interval training is complicated, but there are actually no prescriptive rules. You can choose any length for your intervals of intense activity. You can do them for up to two or three minutes, or for as short as 20 seconds.
- You may want to do some trial and error before setting hard and fast rules for yourself. You may find, when working out, two minute intervals wear you down fast. Instead, try going for intervals of one minute or 30 seconds. You can also alternate. You can warm up with a few intervals of 30 seconds, and then move on to intervals of a minute.
- Alternate between a slow and steady pace and short bursts of intense exercise. Once you've decided on intervals, you can begin your routine. During that time, go at a steady pace for two to five minutes, then switch to a high-intensity pace for 30 seconds (or however long you choose). Continue this pattern for the duration of your workout routine.
- Your HIIT workout should last between 20 to 30 minutes.
- Your heart rate should be at 85% during the high-intensity interval.
- Talk to a personal trainer. When it comes to interval training targeted specifically at fat burning, rules depend heavily on your personal fitness level, target heart rate, current weight, and many other factors. Therefore, it's a good idea to discuss your desire to burn more fat with a personal trainer. He or she can help you figure out the time and duration of your intervals.
- Consider risk factors. Interval training comes with certain risks. You should be careful about engaging in interval training without talking to a doctor, especially if you have certain conditions.
- If you have heart disease, you may want to talk to your doctor before attempting interval training.
- Injury is a risk if you rush into a routine that's too strenuous. It may be a good idea to start out with just one or two high intensity intervals during your regular workout.
- Make sure you stay hydrated while working out.
- If you are trying to lose weight, remember that diet is critical and you need to focus on eating healthy, not just exercise.
- You should assess whether a work out plan is helping you burn fat longterm. You should weigh yourself regularly and use a tape measure to measure your waist circumference. Over time, your weight and measurements should decrease. If you're struggling to lose body fat despite your efforts, talk to your doctor about this issue. A medical problem may be keeping you from losing weight.
- Never begin any exercise routine without first clearing it with your physician. Do not push yourself to the point of exhaustion during your workout. Always pay attention to your body and stop to rest if you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, pain or any other abnormal effects.
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