Not Be Scared of Ferries

You might be going on a ferry for a holiday or just visiting someone. You might be thinking the first time on a ferry is scary, but it's not. Read on for tips to help you.


  1. Do your research. Researching about ferries might show what they are like inside and how they work. Look at some videos and pictures of ferries to help you know the layout of one.
  2. Talk to someone who has been on an actual ferry and ask questions that might be bugging you.
  3. If you are still feeling a bit worried, talk to the doctor about anxiety pills or sprays to help you relax more. You may also want to take some seasick tablets.
  4. Take a book or something that might keep you interested during the time. You can listen to music, draw, or just talk to someone.
  5. There are some shops and restaurants on the ferry, so have a look in them. If you feel seasick, sit down somewhere you feel comfortable.
  6. Think. After the ferry ride, think about what you will be doing.


  • Try to enjoy your time on the ferry and don't keep thinking about your fear of ferries.

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