Not Get Cold Wearing a T Shirt in Winter

It's winter; the temperatures are dropping, but you just don't feel like grabbing a winter coat to put on top of your cool new wolf t-shirt. Maybe you just feel like wearing a t-shirt in the winter to run some errands. In these situations, it would be helpful to know how you can stay warm in cooler temperatures. Keep in mind, however, that it's not advisable to wear summer clothes in freezing temperatures.


Adapting to the Cold

  1. Prepare for how cold it's going to be. Check a thermometer for the temperature before you go outside. When you know what the temperature is going to be, you can mentally prepare for how cold it will feel.
    • If you're planning for the future, check a weather service to anticipate how cold it will be, so you can gradually allow your body to get used to the cold.
    • Keep in mind what the wind chill is before you go outside. Wind Chill is the temperature that it "feels like" based on actual temperature and wind speed.[1]
  2. Lower the temperature in your house. When it's cooler inside your house, you won't notice how much colder it is outside. Getting used to being chilly indoors can help you adapt to the colder weather outside.
    • Be considerate of other people in the house. Don't lower the temperature too much, or it will make everyone else uncomfortable. It can also change energy bills, so be considerate of who's paying the bills, too.[2]
  3. Stand outside for several minutes at a time. Allow your body to change your temperature when you're outside. Eventually, you'll start being more comfortable in the weather, but be wary that temperatures could drop even more the longer you're outside. Don't be surprised if your nose gets a little runny the longer you stay outside.[3]
    • Do this every day for several weeks leading up to winter. Eventually, your tolerance for cooler temperatures will increase.
  4. Take colder showers. Turning the "hot" lever down a little bit will help your body adapt to colder temperatures in the long run, and it saves hot water. It might be uncomfortable, but it can be relaxing.
    • Colder showers can also be good for your health and blood circulation.[4]
  5. Avoid shade and shadows. Even if the temperatures are low, the sunshine can still warm your body if you're standing in it. Staying in shaded areas or shadows makes it feel significantly colder outside than if you stand in the sun.
    • There is a 10-15 degree temperature difference between standing in the shade and standing in the sun.[5] Other factors affecting degree difference include a wind or breeze blowing through, as well as how much you've been sweating.
  6. Think of a warm, sunny place. Actively keeping your mind on warm weather can take your mind off the cold temperatures. Most people tend to think about the beach or the tropics, where the weather is warm year-round.
    • It's easier to think of warm places you've been personally. Everyone knows it's always warm in the Bahamas, but if you've never been there, it's hard to personally imagine it. Try thinking of a warm fire or sand on your toes.

Staying Active

  1. Stretch. Before you go outside, warm your body slightly by stretching your arms and legs and torso. Athletes do this to prepare for playing in colder temperatures, while also preventing injuries during the event.[6]
    • Try not to stretch too much before you go outside. If you begin to sweat indoors, then it will feel colder when the cool air touches the sweat on your skin.
  2. Move around. A good way for a quick warm-up is a quick warm-up. When you're active, your body's blood circulation increases, which causes you to warm up.[7] Here are some standing exercises to keep warm while outside:
    • High knee kicks. Place your hands in front of you and kick your knees up to your hands.
    • Jumping jacks.
    • Torso twists. Keeping your elbows lifted, twist your upper body from side to side at a moderate pace.
    • Dance. If the occasion calls for it, don't be afraid to dance to the music!
  3. Keep your extremities warm. Even if you're just wearing a t-shirt, keeping other parts of your body can warm your overall internal core. Blow hot air into cupped hands and rub them together.[8]
    • Outer extremities are the first to develop damage from cold temperatures. These consist of your toes, fingers, ears, and nose. Extremities don't have the muscle or blood flow to keep them as warm as the rest of your body.[9] Keep these areas warm to avoid freezing injuries like frostbite.
  4. Get hot coffee. Hot coffee, tea or cocoa are excellent ways to warm your hands and taking sips of the warm liquid will warm your body. It will force you to move around in order to get the drink, and the caffeine and sugar will give you energy to keep moving. It's a win-win for staying active and keeping warm.

Wearing Multiple Layers

  1. Wear a hat. Although all parts of your body release heat, your head and neck are often exposed which releases major heat.[10] Wear a hat and scarf to keep the heat trapped and circulate throughout your body. Any enclosed hat will do, but avoid visors.
    • If you can, wear a beanie or a hat that covers your ears. Your ears are one of the first parts of your body to experience damage to cold temperatures.
  2. Wear an undershirt. If you're not going shirtless, wear a tanktop or thick sleeveless shirt or vest underneath your outfit. This keeps your core warmer, which can help regulate the rest of your body temperature.
  3. Wear leggings. A thick pair of thermals underneath your jeans or sweatpants will keep your body focused on warming the exposed parts. Leggings or tights can also work, as well as high socks.
  4. Wear gloves. Gloves can keep your outer extremities warm to avoid getting frostbite. If you don't need to use your fingers, mittens are better since they keep fingers together and trap heat more effectively than gloves.[10]
    • Gloves don't have to clash your entire outfit. A simple pair of white classy gloves for girls can add a nice tough, and black leather gloves for guys can make you seem cool.
    • You can purchase "hot hands" or hand warming devices to put inside gloves. These will keep your hands warm without getting too bulky.
  5. Bring extra clothes or blankets. As the night goes on, it's bound to get colder. Temporarily warming up in a blanket or adding an external layer of clothes when the temperature becomes unbearable shouldn't affect your evening or your outfit.
    • Bring a scarf[10] or sweater, and keep a blanket in your bag. These can be used to sit on to avoid cold benches or bleachers early in the night, as well.


  • Every person is different and may have different results to adapting to colder weather. Body size and shape differ for everyone and causes each person to react differently to hot and cold temperatures.[11]
  • Try taking deep breaths if you think you're getting too cold. Relaxing your body and keeping your blood circulated can make you feel better when you're standing in the cold.
  • You can tell yourself you're not cold. It doesn't work for everybody, but some people try to convince themselves they're not as cold as they really are. Try and see if this works for you.


  • Do not try to wear t-shirts in dangerously cold temperatures. You risk hypothermia, a serious and potentially deadly condition.

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