Overcome Allergy to Formula Milk

Breastfeeding your child is what every mother wants. It is the best food ever for your infant. But for a number of reasons, for working mothers especially, it may be necessary to use the alternative of formula milk. Mothers should be aware that sometimes babies could be allergic to formula milk. Many babies outgrow milk allergies by the time they are 3-5 years old, but some never do. Don’t panic, there are some ways to overcome this problem. Remember that a milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance, which is more often found in older children and adults.


  1. See a doctor to make sure your baby is allergic to formula. The most common allergens in in formula are cow's milk and soy milk. Symptoms of a milk protein allergy can either occur very soon after ingesting milk, or 7-10 days later.
    • Slower onset symptoms include: loose stools, vomiting, refusing to eat, gagging, and skin rashes.
    • Rapid onset symptoms include: irritability, swelling, hives, bloody diarrhea, wheezing, and vomiting.
  2. Check the color of your baby’s stool. Inform the doctor about this.
  3. Check with your doctor about switching to a soy protein based formula. However, a few babies are allergic to soy proteins as well. If your baby still has reactions, check with your doctor, who may switch you to a hypoallergenic formula.
  4. After the babies first birthday, try gradually introducing cows milk into the babies diet.
  5. Replace milk with high calcium food. Such foods include anchovies, sardines, tuna, soy beans, bean curds, dark green colored vegetables such as broccoli or spinach.


  • How to solve this problem: as soon as you know this problem, visit the doctor and ask for advice.
  • Milk protein allergies are very different from lactose intolerance. Children with lactose intolerance lack the enzyme "lactase," a very important type of enzyme that enables the child to digest lactose (sugar in the milk) to form glucose and galactose. Without this enzyme, undigested lactose will remain in their intestines. This can lead to other complicated matters.
  • Do not introduce cows milk to your child too early. Check with a dietitian for when to start introducing milk.
  • When you do start to give your child milk, start by giving them a very small amount once in a while. This will help the child develop the enzymes necessary for digestion.


  • The above tips on how to overcome this problem but you need to get a doctor’s advice and opinion.
  • Do not rely on these tips alone. The most important thing for mothers is really not to panic if this problem ever occurs at all.
  • If your child starts to have a hard time breathing after ingesting milk products, take them to the ER Immediately. This could signal that they are not lactose intolerant but are actual allergic. This could be anaphylactic shock and it is deadly.

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