Pick a Betta Fish

Betta fish are beautiful and found in many homes. If you're thinking of getting a betta, there are many things to consider. Figure out whether you want to get a betta from a pet store, breeder, or online seller. Always inspect your fish first to make sure it's healthy. You also want to get a betta that was raised in a clean, healthy environment. This increases the likelihood your fish will also be healthy.


Selecting a Seller

  1. Try a pet store. Bettas are generally easy to find in pet stores, as well as department stores that sell pets. In general, this is the quickest option to get a betta, as you can usually select and purchase a betta in the same day.[1]
    • If you decide to go the pet store route, it's best to go with a reputable pet store that specializes in selling animals only. Department stores, or large chain pet stores, may keep bettas in small containers and in poor conditions, making the fish more prone to health problems.
    • The best pet stores will keep their betta in clean cages. They will also have a variety of different types of fish available. Workers at reputable pet stores will be able to answer any questions you have about fish and fish care.
  2. Look into breeders. Many people prefer to go through a breeder to purchase a betta. Breeders generally know how to breed the healthiest fish. Breeders can also be more ethical than pet stores, as they're dedicated to keeping fish in safe, healthy conditions and finding responsible pet owners. It may take slightly longer to obtain a betta from a breeder, however.[1]
    • See if you can find a betta breeder in your area. You can look online or keep your eyes open for ads in the local newspaper or at places like pet supply stores and vet clinics.
    • Unfortunately, you may be unable to go through a breeder if you can't find one in your area. Not everyone has a betta breeder near to them.
  3. Consider buying a betta online. If you want a high quality purebred betta, you can buy one online from a reputable breeder. Many breeders are willing to sell and ship their bettas online as long as you are willing to talk with them to verify you will be a responsible owner.[1]
    • However, you are more prone to scams when working online. Only buy from breeders who are willing to talk to you and answer any questions you have in a prompt, professional manner.
    • Make sure to select an online breeder who has been breeding betta for a long time. The longer someone has been breeding, the more likely they are to breed quality fish.

Examining the Fish

  1. The bigger the fish, the older. Since bettas can live anywhere from five to seven years, if you want to maximise your betta's time living with you, you should try to find a somewhat small one. Beware, as baby betta fish have different needs and will die if you treat them as an adult. [2]
  2. Look at the colors. Color is an indication of health for bettas. When examining a betta, look for a fish with bright, vibrant coloring.[3]
    • Most bettas are brightly colored, but may have some pale colors filling in gaps between stripes and spots. Certain breeds of betta, such as piebald and Cambodian bettas, are lighter in appearance, having a peach color.
    • Horizontal stripes can be an indicator of ill health. Avoid getting a betta if it has horizontal stripes.
  3. Examine the fins. Fins should be free of discoloration, disease, or visible wounds. Clamped fins may be a sign a betta is ill or the water condition is poor. Black, raggedy fins can be a sign of fin rot.[3]
  4. Check the gills. You want to choose a betta with healthy gills. Both gills should open and close without trouble. If a fish is gasping for air, and one or both set of gills is not opening and closing, this is a sign of ill health. Red marks around the gills can also be a sign of poor health.[3]
  5. Look over the body. You should quickly scan a betta's body before purchasing it to make sure it's in good health. Make sure the betta does not have any obvious signs of illness. A healthy betta will be free of the following:[3]
    • Missing fins
    • Lumps or bumps
    • Red streaks
    • A sprinkled salt appearance 
    • White patches
    • A round belly
    • Raised scales
  6. Examine the eyes. You want to make sure your betta has healthy eyes as well. Ideally, a betta should have clear white eyes. Milky eyes, bulgy eyes, or reddish circles around the eyes are all signs of poor health.[3]

Inspecting the Environment

  1. Make sure the fish's jar is clean. Bettas are usually kept in a small jar away from other fish. This jar should be filled with fresh, clear water. The tank should also be free of debris from leftover food. This could be an indication a betta is not eating, which can be a sign of ill health.[4]
  2. Take note of any strange odors. If you notice any strong unpleasant odors, this is a bad sign. A bettas tank should be relatively odor-free. If you notice strong smells, this may be a sign of poor health.[3]
  3. Look for bubbles on the surface of the tank. Bettas frequently blow bubbles onto the surface of the tank. This may indicate the betta is content and comfortable, a signo f good health. However, no bubbles is not necessarily a sign of ill health. The presence of bubbles can, say, be a tiebreaker if you're stuck between two bettas, but it should not be the first factor you consider.[4]


  • Keep the betta in a warm temperature. they come from a warm climate and 75-80* F is needed.

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