Pick out the Right Decorations for Your Fish Tank
If you're creative or imaginative, you'll want your fish tank to reflect those qualities. Your fish is your prized pet, and should be an extension of your style and personality. After all, you'll want your fish to be living in digs as cool as your own!
- Think of your color and design scheme. Know how big your fish tank is and what it can hold while still being a comfortable environment for your fish. Choose a color scheme for tank pebbles that would match well with the colors of the room your tank is in.
- It is also important to know what kind of fish you have as different types of fish may enjoy a different environment than another.
- Consider purchasing artificial or real plants. Not only will plants enhance the decor of your fish tank, they will also serve has a comfort the fish in their "undersea" environment. For smaller, long tanks, you will want tall plants at the back with smaller plants near the front.
- Add an underwater structure. Depending on the type of fish, a cave-like structure if often used to hide and rest in.
- Make sure to clean your tank often. A clean and clear tank is very important for the health of your fish, but it is also more appealing to the eye!
- If you buy rainbow colored pebbles and structures, mostly any colored fish will match and blend in with its environment.
- Clean off any pebbles, structures and any other thing you might put into your tank. Before putting it into the tank for the first time because it might contain harmful chemicals that might contaminate your fish or water.
- Keep your tank in a lighted area so it will show off the amazing colors of your fish. The reflection of the light off the scales produces breath taking colors.
- Don't feed your fish too much food for it will build up and clog machines in the tank and your fish will dwell in that gunk and eventually die.
- Be careful of metal. If there is metal that is visible on any of your decorations, it could rust causing health dangers to your fish.
- If your fish have long tails and fins, do not use sharp rocks or plants in the tank because they could cut and scrape your fish.
- Some fish don't appreciate bright colors and can be spooked by it.
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