Plant Brazilian Waterweed

Brazilian Waterweed, also known as Egeria Densa, is frequently used in aquariums by newcomers to the fishkeeping hobby. While it’s considered an invasive plant out in nature, it can make for a great addition to any hobbyist’s tank. You’ll need to start by setting up the right conditions for its growth before you can actually plant it.


Setting up Your Aquarium

  1. Keep the water’s temperature between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-26 Celsius). Temperature control is just as crucial for the plants in your tank as it is for the fish. Use a thermometer to regularly check the tank’s water temperature. If it falls outside the 72-78 range, you’ll need to install heating or cooling systems as appropriate. Check your local pet store for guidance when acquiring these systems.[1]
  2. Get the water’s pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. While Brazilian Waterweed can grow in a variety of settings, there’s such a thing as an ideal pH for its growth. This pH range will facilitate the growth of the Brazilian Waterweed. You can buy pH testing kits at your local pet store as well as online.[1]
    • Controlling your aquarium’s pH level is done with two products: acid and alkaline buffers. The former lower the water’s pH level, while the latter will increase it. Usually you’ll need to combine the two to keep the pH between the 6.5 and 7.5 range.[2]
  3. Maintain a moderate amount of light. Brazilian Waterweed needs a good amount of light to thrive, otherwise it might wither and die. Too much light, and you’ll be dealing with an algae problem. A good rule of thumb to ensure you give your plant the right amount of light is to use a lighting system that’s 2-4 watts per gallon (3.8 liters) of water.[3]

Growing Brazilian Waterweed

  1. Remove the rubber band from the plant stems. Brazilian Waterweed is typically sold in bundles in pet stores that are bound together to be more attractive in displays. Leaving this rubber band on the plants can damage the stems and stunt growth once planted in your tank. Use a pair of scissors to cut the rubber band off.[1]
  2. Trim any damaged stems and leaves. Rubber banding the stems together may have caused damage to the plant. If you find any stems that are discolored, or rotting, prune them off with shears. Keep an eye out for leaves that may have been caught in the rubber band and need trimming as well.[1]
  3. Plant Brazillian Waterweed in gravel or sand. Use your hands to push individual stems into the bottom of your aquarium. You’ll want to plant them about two inches (5 cm) deep and one inch (2.5 cm) away from each other. Any shallower and the plants will drift to the surface and float. Any closer together and the plants won’t have enough room to grow.
  4. Avoid using any nutrient-rich soils. While you’ll want to use this kind of soil to encourage growth for many aquarium plants, Brazilian Waterweed is notorious for spreading quickly. You should avoid spurring its growth further, or you can expect to do a lot of trimming.
    • If you have other plants in your aquarium, you may not have a choice but to use nutrient-rich soil. Be ready to trim your Brazillian Waterweed if this is the case.[1]
  5. Let Brazilian Waterweed float if it won't crowd your tank. This plant grows so quickly that soil isn’t even really need for its growth. Depending on your tank, you might be able to simply let the plant float for a different look, especially in larger tanks. However, the plant might grow to obscure your tank’s light source and crowd other plants in your aquarium. You’ll likely need to trim it often to avoid this.[1]


  • Since they grow quite rapidly, you’ll need to trim Brazilian Waterweeds frequently so they won’t crowd your aquarium.
  • If you need to propagate Brazilian Waterweed, simply take a five inch (12.7 cm) cutting from its stem and plant it where you’re looking to propagate it. As long as it’s got proper light and water, it will grow from there.


  • Brazilian Waterweed is considered an invasive species in many jurisdictions. If you need to transport or dispose of the plant for any reason, be very careful to not accidently release it into your local ecosystem.

Sources and Citations