Plant an Evergreen Hedge

How to plant an evergreen hedge. Learn the basics of planting an evergreen hedge. This article uses the yew as an example of planting a hedge plant but you will find other suggestions here as well to suit your garden.


  1. Choose your hedge. You can buy hedges in containers from garden centres or nurseries. Good hedge plants include:
    • Yew
    • Laurel
    • Photinia
    • Privets
  2. Look for a plant with healthy foliage, and moist compost.
    • If you buy a hedge without any soil around the roots, known as bare-rooted, it should be planted in the dormant season between November and March northern hemisphere and May to September southern hemisphere. If it has been grown in a container, plant it in April (September in the southern hemisphere), so that it can become established before the onset of winter.
  3. Position the hedge. Hedges are commonly exposed as they are used as borders, and you often simply have to plant them where they are required. Whilst the hedge is establishing itself, it is worth providing it with protection from prevailing winds with windbreak netting.
  4. Prepare the soil. Thoroughly fork over the soil and remove any weeds and stones from the site.
    • Shovel plenty of manure onto the surface soil, and fork the two into each other to ensure a rich bed for planting.
  5. Tie some string around two stakes. Pull taut in order to mark out the side of your trench.
    • Once you have staked out a trench you are happy with, use the string as a guide and start to dig. The trench should accommodate the plants being {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} apart, and be slightly deeper than the root balls.
    • Using a garden fork, prick the sides and base of the hole to break up the smooth surface created by the spade. This will encourage the roots to grow outwards and help rain to move through the soil.
  6. Plant. The plants need to be planted at the right depth, and at fifty centimetres intervals.
    • Remove the plant from its pot, or remove any bags that surround the roots as shown here. Tease the roots outwards to ensure they grow away from the root ball.
    • Ensure all the roots are below the surface, but that the base of the stem is not buried, as this can cause rot. Check it is the right depth by laying a cane across the trench. If the plant is standing too high or low you'll need to remove or add some of the soil in the bottom of the hole.
    • Refill the trench with the soil fertiliser mix you removed, and gently firm it up with your heel once it has reached the correct level.
  7. Water. Water in each plant with an entire watering can, or even a hose. If you plant the example plant used for this article, yew, ensure that it isn't damaged by water-logging but don't let it dry out either. Water regularly throughout spring, summer and autumn, especially when it is particularly dry.
  8. Finished.


  • These instructions apply to hedge plants grown in temperate climates; if you live somewhere warmer or cooler than a temperate climate, it will be necessary to seek additional advice. It is likely that you can still grow a hedge but the type of plant may differ, along with the seasonal planting instructions.

Things You'll Need

  • Some hedges
  • A spade
  • A garden fork
  • Manure
  • A watering can or hose

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