Plaque Mount Posters Using MDF
Template:CopyeditbotInstead of just hanging posters up in your new pad, consider the option on plaque mounting them on MDF and classing up the joint a bit
- Get your posters from wherever you like ( websites like, you can find a lot of stuff you wouldn't even imagine)
- Get your MDF [1]. Use thin MDF board like 3/8 inch, it's lighter and easier to work with.
- Measure out how much MDF you will need by dry fitting the poster on, and marking off about an inch extra on each side. Use whatever saw you have hanging around and cut er' out.
- This one is important for 3/8" users. On the back of the board you'll be using, build a 1cm thick by 1" frame that sits about 2" away from the edge of the board. By doing this you are trying to prevent the board from flexing, because once the poster is on there, if it flexes at all you're going to get an air pocket, so make it strong.
- Some spray adhesive (Elmer's, or whatever your local hardware of home supply store has available) on the front of the board. Don't screw around, you're trying to seal the whole board so make sure you don't miss any spots.
- After 5 minutes (no longer than 10) spray another coat on the board, as well as the back of the poster you are using. Quickly and carefully place the poster on the board and try to center it. Make sure none of the poster hangs over! The glue will stick quickly and won't leave much room for adjustment so be careful.
- Use a straight edge or rolling pin to press the poster evenly across the board. Make sure there are no air pockets at all.
- Leave for a couple hours. After maybe 5-6 hours check to make sure the poster hasn't lifted at all. If you're good, then we can move on. If not, press and roll it till you have no pockets at all.
- Get some spray Polyurethane in a matte finish - Any paint department will know what you want if you ask someone. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area, and holding the can about 10 inches away, let 'er rip. Make sure you get every last spot, but don't soak the thing.
- After drying for 24 hours do the poly again.
- In about 2 days you should be able to touch it, check again to make sure the paper hasn't lifted. If not we should be ready to finish up.
- Using a router with a straight cutting bit, measure the gap of the blade to the edge of the router, and set up a straight-edge guide that will leave you with about a 1/8th gap between the edge of the board and the edge of the poster.
- Use a 45 degree bit for the router, and run it around the edges using the guide again. This should leave you a nice beveled edge.
- Tape off the edge of the poster and cover the poster itself so only the freshly cut edge is exposed. We're gonna be spray painting so make it good
- You guessed it! Get a can of spray paint (I use black every time but that's just me) and paint the cut edges of the MDF and part of the back too. Do 2 coats.
- Take the tape off and you should be ready to hang it up! Use a wire, slot, of just hang it from the frame.
- Do not flex the board once you have is glued on. That will pretty much be the end of it if you do.
- Try it out on a poster you don't care about to make sure you have it all down pat.
- Seriously, while using the poly, get to a vented area.
Things You'll Need
- Router
- Colored spray paint
- Long straight edge
- Spray adhesive
- Polyurethane matte finish spray
- A poster you like
- A well ventilated area
- Maybe a rolling pin
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