Play "Happy Birthday" on the Piano

Playing this famous tune is fairly simple, but before we get started, you will need to know the basics of a piano. The notes of the piano are straight forward. They work from A-G, in alphabetical order. This piece of music uses the right and left hand, no sharps or flats to worry about. Once you get the basics, you are ready to start.


  1. Locate middle C on the keyboard.
  2. Place both your thumbs (right and left) on middle C, without playing a sound.
  3. Play your fourth finger on your left hand twice, the G note.
  4. Then quickly play your third finger down afterwards, A note.
  5. After you have done that, play your fourth finger again (G).
  6. With the thumb of your left hand, play middle C.
  7. Play the B note with your left hand (the second finger).
  8. Repeat the 3rd, 4th and 5th instruction again (G twice, A, G).
  9. Now with your right hand, play the D note with your second finger of your right hand.
  10. Then play C, with your right or left hand, depending on which is more comfortable.
  11. Play the fourth finger of the left hand, twice.
  12. Now again with the right hand, play your fifth finger, which would be the G note.
  13. Quickly play the E note with the right hand, then move on to the C, again, whichever feels more comfortable, and play the C twice.
  14. Straight after, play the B then A notes, with your second and third fingers of your left hand.
  15. Play F with your right hand twice.
  16. Then play E, again with your right hand, followed by C, D and finally C.
  17. Practise many times through, until it is smooth, and sounds like the original piece. The notes are as follows, for the more confident players: Left hand: G, G, A, G, C, B, G, G, A, G Right hand: D, C Left hand: G, G Right hand: G, E, C, C, Left hand: B, A Right hand: F, F, E, C, D, C.

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