Play Monopoly Junior

Monopoly Junior is a version of the Monopoly game for 2 to 4 young children. It teaches money management skills using smaller play money denominations than the classic Monopoly game and replacing the properties, houses, and hotels with amusement park ticket booths. Learn the rules of the game so that you can play Monopoly Junior with some friends.


Preparing to Play

  1. Check the game parts. Before you start playing, it is a good idea to check the game to make sure that you have everything you need. Checking the game parts is also a good way to see everything that comes with the game and learn what it is. Your Monopoly Junior game should include:[1]
    • game board
    • 4 car movers
    • 1 die
    • 24 Chance cards
    • 48 Ticket Booths
    • Monopoly money
  2. Set up the game board. Unfold the game board and place it on your playing surface, such as a sturdy table or a carpeted floor. Make sure that all players can access the board with ease. Have each player choose a car mover and place it on the “GO!” space on the board.[1]
  3. Give each player a set of Ticket Booths. The booths should be the same color as the player's car mover token. If there are 3 or 4 players, each player should get 10 Ticket Booths. If there are only 2 players, each player should get 12 Ticket Booths.[1]
  4. Select one player to serve as the Banker. The Banker administers the money in the game, keeping it separate from his or her own money as a player. The Banker still gets to play the game though![1]
  5. Ask the Banker to dole out money to each player. Each player receives $31 to start the game. Have the Banker give each player $31 in the following denominations:[1]
    • Five $1 bills ($5 total)
    • Four $2 bills ($8 total)
    • Three $3 bills ($9 total)
    • One $4 bill
    • One $5 bill
  6. Shuffle the Chance cards and place them on the Chance space. Chance cards can be identified by the question mark (?) on the back of each card. Make sure that all of the Chance cards are facing down so that players won’t be able to see what they are before they draw them.[1]
  7. Have each player roll the die to see who gets to go first. Whoever rolls highest number will take the first turn. Play may pass either to the left (clockwise) or to the right (counterclockwise), depending on what you and your fellow players want to do.[1]

Moving Around the Board

  1. Roll the die. At the beginning of each turn, you should roll the die and move your car mover that number of spaces. Only roll the die once per turn. Read the instructions for the space that you land on and follow them.[1]
  2. Buy Amusements that are not yet owned. If you land on an Amusement that doesn't have a Ticket Booth on it, buy the Amusement for the amount shown on the space and put one of your Ticket Booths on it. You now own that Amusement and can charge other players an entrance fee when they land on that space.[1]
    • Placing your Ticket Booth on the space shows other players that it is your Amusement. The Ticket Booth does not cost extra.
  3. Pay when you land on someone else’s Ticket Booth. If you land on an Amusement with another player's Ticket Booth on it, pay the owner the dollar amount shown on the space. If that person has a Ticket Booth on both Amusements of the same color, then you have to pay twice the amount shown.[1]
  4. Collect $2 if you pass Go. If you land on or pass the Go space on the board, then you may collect $2 from the Bank. Make sure that you collect your $2 right after you land on or pass Go. If you wait until the next turn, then it is too late to collect the money.[1]
  5. Roll again when you land on a Railroad space. Landing on a Railroad space earns you another roll of the die. If you land on a Railroad space, then roll the die again and move to the space indicated by the new roll of the die.[1]
  6. Pay $2 if you land on the Fireworks space or the Water Show space. If you land on the Fireworks or Water Show, then you will need to pay $2 to the "Loose Change" space as an entrance fee to see the show. Place your $2 on the “Loose Change” space.[1]
  7. Skip a turn if you land on the“Go to the Rest Rooms” space. If you land on the "Go to the Rest Rooms" space, pay $3 to the "Loose Change" space and place your car mover token on the "Rest Rooms" space. Do not pass Go and do not collect $2. Going to the “Rest Rooms” is the same as going to Jail in the adult version of Monopoly.[1]
    • If you just land on the "Rest Rooms" space, then you are "Just Waiting." This is like the "Just Visiting" section of the Jail space in the adult version of Monopoly.
  8. Collect money if you land on the “Loose Change” space. If you land on the "Loose Change" space, collect any money that is on the space. This rule is like the house rule for using "Free Parking" as a jackpot space in the adult version of Monopoly.[1]

Playing Chance Cards

  1. Draw a Chance card if you land on a Chance space. If you land on Chance, draw the top card from the Chance pile and follow its instructions. Then, place the Chance card face up on the discard pile. Once all the Chance cards have been played, turn the discard pile over and start again. (You may want to shuffle the cards first.)[1]
  2. Move your token to the space indicated if you draw a "Go To" or "Take a Ride" card. Follow the instructions for the space you land on as if you had landed on it from a roll of the die. If you land on or pass Go, collect $2 from the Bank.[1]
  3. Place one of your Ticket Booths on an Amusement if you draw a Free Ticket Booth card. Keep your token on its present space, and follow the instructions for placing Ticket Booths. The instructions for placing Ticket Booths include:[1]
    • If either of the Amusements of the color indicated on the card is unoccupied, put your Ticket Booth on that Amusement. If both are unoccupied, choose the Amusement you want to place your Ticket Booth on.
    • If both Amusements are occupied by Ticket Booths of different colors, replace the Ticket Booth on the Amusement of your choice with your own. Return the displaced Ticket Booth to its owner.
    • If both Amusements are occupied by Ticket Booths of the same color, they cannot be replaced. Discard the Chance card and draw another, following its instructions.

Winning the Game

  1. Stop playing when one player runs out of cash. When one of the players is out of Monopoly money, the game is over. The player who ran out of money cannot win the game. One of the other players will be the winner.[1]
  2. Have all players count their Monopoly money. Keep in mind that you only have to have players count their money if you are playing a 3- or 4-player game. If there are only two players, then the player who still has some money wins the game.[1]
  3. Award the win to whichever player has the most cash. Once all of the players have counted their money, you can declare a winner. The player who has the most Monopoly money wins the game![1]


  • Keep track of how much money your opponents have. Whenever you draw a Free Ticket Booth card, replace a Ticket Booth owned by the player who is furthest ahead if you can.
  • The rules given above are for the basic Monopoly Junior game. As with the adult Monopoly game, there are special theme editions of Monopoly Junior, such as Ben 10, Toy Story, and Disney Princesses. The theme may change the rules somewhat, such as substituting toy characters for the car mover tokens and buying toys instead of Ticket Booths, but the rules of play are essentially the same.
  • Try to get your Ticket Booths on both of the same color Amusements as often as possible. Whenever you control both of the same color Amusements, you collect double the entrance fee from other players, and your booths cannot be replaced.
  • Older versions of Monopoly Junior refer to the Loose Change space as "Rich Uncle Pennybags' Loose Change," while newer versions refer to it as "Mr. Monopoly's Loose Change."

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Sources and Citations

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