Play Paddleball

Paddleball has become a favorite beach activity in the summer months that can be enjoyed with as few as two people. Though it can be a fun way to relax with a rally game on the beach, paddleball also has a serious set of rules and regulations that can take your game to the next level. Read on to learn about the basic strategies of the game and get ready to hit the beach with your friends.


Learning the Basic Skills

  1. Practice with an attached-ball paddleball. Though normally thought of as a toy for children, attached-ball paddleballs are a great tool for sharpening your hand-eye coordination and getting comfortable with the paddle.
    • Hold the paddle in your dominant hand with your wrist facing up.
    • Flick your wrist upward to maneuver the ball to rest on top of the paddle.
    • Continue flicking your wrist to bounce the ball off the top of the paddle. Your goal is to continuously be able to bounce the ball on the paddle without the ball falling.
  2. Move on to more advanced motions with the attached-ball paddleball. Try manipulating the paddle so that the ball alternates bouncing on the underside and the top of the paddle. This is just another way to practice your hand-eye control.
  3. Test out different string lengths connecting the ball and paddle. Shorter paddleball strings make it easier to hit the ball, while longer ones make controlling the ball more difficult.

Knowing the Rules

  1. Purchase a paddleball set containing a ball, two or four paddles, and a net. Each paddle should be a minimum of {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} long and no longer than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}.
  2. Get started by choosing a location on a beach or any other sandy location such as a playground or a beach volleyball court. Paddleball can also be played on grass, concrete, or even snow if sand is not available.
  3. Draw a rectangle in the sand with your heel or anything you have handy that measures {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} by {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} for a singles court or 26-1/4 feet by 52-1/2 feet for a doubles court. A singles court should be drawn when two teams composed of one person each are playing, and a double court should be used when two teams of two people each are playing.
  4. Put up your net across the center of the width of your court. Though you can buy nets specifically for playing paddleball, you can also adapt any similar sports net you have as long as the top of your net is 5'10" off of the ground on a hard surface such as grass, and 5'7" off of the ground on a soft surface like sand or snow.
  5. Pick your teams. First decide whether you want to play singles or doubles. If you are playing doubles, you might want to flip a coin to quickly and randomly choose partners.
  6. Learn to score. Paddleball scoring is the same as tennis scoring and is played in sets of 1, 3, or 5.
    • Tennis scoring begins with both teams at 0, also called love. One point is scored as 15, the second point for the same team is 30, and the third point awarded to the same team is 40. The serving team's score is called first. For example, if the serving team wins 3 points and the receiving team wins 2 points, the score would be 40-30.
    • Once a team reaches 40, that team wins the game if they win one more point. If the score gets to be 40-40, a situation referred to as deuce, the next point wins that game. Normal tennis scoring requires that either team must win two points in a row in order to win the game, but paddleball does not use advantage scoring.
    • Paddleball can be played in sets of 1, 3, or 5. One set is completed when a team has won 6 games, though they must win by a two-game margin. Therefore, 6-4 would be an acceptable set score, but 6-5 would not. If the second situation occurs, you continue to play games until one team wins the set by a two-game margin.
  7. Establish which team will serve first by either flipping a coin or holding a volley war. A volley war simply consists of volleying the ball across the net between teams until a player misses. The team that misses will receive the serve first, while the team that didn't miss will serve first.
  8. Learn that only one serve is allowed per point, and only one hit is allowed to get the ball over the net. Teammates may not "double-hit" the ball before it goes over the net.
  9. Remember that "lets," balls that skim the net before going over the net, are in play just like any other hit. If a let occurs, continue to play normally.

Developing a Strategy

  1. Recognize that the basic goal of the game is to not let the ball hit the ground. You win points by forcing the other team to miss the ball and/or hit it into the net or the ground.
  2. Hit the ball away from your opponents, but be sure to keep it within the boundaries of the court. Angling your shots away from your opponents makes it harder for them to return the ball.
  3. Keep the ball in play and be patient for an opportunity to hit an "attack shot." An "attack shot" might be a drop shot where the ball barely drops over the net, a sharp, hard volley, or a lob.
  4. Use a lob shot to gain yourself time if you are off-balance. Lob shots are balls hit high over the net in an upside-down U shape. Because it takes longer for these balls to reach the other side of the net, lob shots can be useful for buying time.
    • Make sure to hit the ball deep into the court when lobbing. If you hit the ball short, the other team can easily attack the ball with a hard overhead volley.
  5. Communicate verbally with your partner if playing doubles. Call out who will return questionable shots with phrases such as "Mine!" and "I've got it!" Establish what phrases you will use before beginning the match.


  • Be sure to stretch before playing, especially your upper body. While paddleball might not appear to be a physically demanding sport, it can be hard on your arms and wrists.
  • Use your entire body when swinging at the ball, not just your arm or wrist.
  • Have fun! Paddleball is quickly becoming a popular competitive sport, but remember not to take yourself too seriously on the court.
  • Wear shoes if playing on a rough surface like concrete.
  • If you are playing on a soft surface, such as sand or snow, pat down the surface when it gets worn to keep a level playing field.


  • Be careful not to play paddleball on an uneven surface to avoid twisting your ankle or incurring other injuries.
  • Don't forget to wear sunscreen if you are playing paddleball outdoors on a sunny day.

Things You'll Need

  • A paddleball ball.
  • Two to four paddles.
  • A paddleball net.
  • Sand, grass, concrete, or snow surface.
  • Two or four players.
  • An attached-ball paddleball (optional, for practicing)

Sources and Citations

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