Play Windows Games on Ubuntu
Have you seen those games on the market, or seen a cool application online only for Windows? Read on if you have Linux!
Terminal Method
- Open up your terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine.
- Enter your root password. If you think you made a typo, hold the backspace until you hear the beep on your PC.
- Type y to proceed.
- Wait for a while.
- Once it's done installing, close the terminal.
Internet Method
- With your favorite web browser, go to your address bar and type
- Click on your favorite system. In this how-to we will be using the Ubuntu version.
- Click on OK, if the Open File with Debian Package Installer is selected.
- Wait.
- Click on Install.
- Click on OK, and then type in your root password.
- Wait.
- After done installing, close the window.
Follow for All Methods
- Get your application.
- Choose Open With... and then if there is no extra menu, click on it.
- Scroll until you see Wine. Click on it.
- Your Windows application should initiate.
- Have fun with your Windows application!
- Click Applications&sOrderBy=appName&bAscending=true to search for your favorite apps that work with Wine.
- Playonlinux is a wizard to help you install many Windows programs, and configure wine accordingly.
- On the download page (, scroll down to 3rd Party Tools and click on our wiki page. From there, you can download some tools to help sync with a real Windows PC. Most of these from there can help with some applications
- Of course, Wine's not perfect. Don't expect all applications to work.
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