Play a Scavenger Hunt Game at a Party

This scavenger hunt is a great activity for people of all ages to play. While one team member stumbles around blindfolded, the other team member can only watch with their hands tied behind their back. Follow these instructions to learn how to plan this exhilarating game.


Older kids/adults

  1. Divide participants in the scavenger hunt into teams of two. If there is an odd number of participants, allow one team of three. If there are too few people for teams, then just let them go individually.
  2. Designate each team with a name or color so that they can identify which clues are theirs.
  3. Determine how many clues each team will have to seek out based on the available time and the difficulty of the clues. These clues should direct the team to the next clue using something like a simple riddle or a description of its location.
  4. Instruct all teams to wait somewhere outside of the playing area so that the officials can set up the game.
  5. For the first clue, describe the location where the next clue will be located. On the second clue, describe where the third clue will be and place this clue where the first clue describes. Continue this process for the number of clues as determined previously. The final clue should instruct teams to return to the person running the game. On each clue, mark the clue number and indicate which team it is intended for.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each team.
  7. Invite all teams back into the playing area.
  8. For each team tie a blindfold over one partner's eyes and tie the hands of the other partner together behind her back. The partner with her hands tied should direct the blindfolded person to the clues and instruct them to carry the clues.
  9. Give each team their first clue to start the game.
  10. Announce the winning team once every team retrieves all of their clues and award them with a prize.

Younger kids

  1. Make the scavenger hunt indoors, or in an enclosed area outside. This will lessen their chances of getting lost.
  2. Pair the kids up. You could do boys vs. girls, sibling teams, etc.
    • If there are younger and older kids/adults in the group, then it might be best to pair up younger kids with older kids/adults.
  3. Find items that are familiar and obvious. Some good items might be stuffed animals, books, etc.
  4. Hide the items in easy places. Make sure that there is more than one of each item so that all the teams can get one.
  5. Create simple lists for each team.
  6. Announce the winning team once all the teams find all the items. Give each team a prize, with the winning team having the best prize.


  • Reward all teams whether they won or not with a small prize such as candy.
  • At a themed party, try to give the winning team something that relates to the theme.
  • Try tying one leg of each partner to their teammate for an added challenge.
  • While this game may be played spontaneously, it is better to develop the clues beforehand so that participants are not waiting around for the set up.
  • The clues can be attached to an object that the team will have to carry with them throughout the scavenger hunt making it difficult with the already limiting handicaps or each team member.
  • If a team has a particular advantage over others, try giving them more total clues or more difficult clues to seek out. Try giving less clues to teams that seem to be struggling.


  • Monitor teams so that they do not pick up or move clues that are not intended for them.
  • Use a fair method of dividing into teams so that people do not fight over partners.

Things You'll Need

  • 6-20 people
  • Something to tie over eyes and hands such as a bandana or a piece of cloth.
  • Prizes for the winning team.
  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Writing utensil

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