Play the C Major Scale on Guitar

Scales are a great way to warm up on your guitar before breaking into an awesome riff that will impress all your friends. An easy scale to learn is the C major scale.


  1. Place your index finger at the 5th fret on the G string of the guitar.
  2. Still on the G string, place your ring finger on the 7th fret while still keeping your index finger on the 5th fret.
  3. Now on the B string, move your index finger to the 5th fret.
  4. Move your middle finger to the 6th fret of the B string.
  5. Move your ring finger to 8th fret of the B string.
  6. Down to the E string now, move your first finger to the 5th fret.
  7. Move your middle finger to 7th fret of the E string.
  8. Move your ring finger to 8th fret of the E string.
    • Optionally, when finished, repeat the steps in reverse.


  • Try to move your fingers away from the strings as little as possible.
  • The more you practice, the easier it will get.
  • Try the barre version of the chord for different sound.

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