Play the Skittles Kissing Game

This is a Select Top Birthday Party Games for Kids, similar to Spin the Bottle, and it's a lot of fun to play. The object of the game is each person has to pick a skittle, put it in their mouth and pass their skittle on to the next person by their mouth.


  1. Set the mood. Put on some music, but make sure everybody likes it. It may be better to leave out heavily distorted songs. Dim the lights. Close the door. Add the feel to the game.
  2. Form a circle with as many friends as you can get. Sit them boy, girl, boy, girl and so on. If you run out of boys or girls leave a space open.
  3. Separate a package of Skittles into pairs according to color. Make sure you have lots of Skittles if you are going to play for a while.
  4. Have everybody pick a skittle from the bowl. Everybody should close his/her eyes and pick a skittle randomly.
  5. Find your partner. Each person looks at his skittle and finds the person with the other skittle of the same color.
  6. Kiss. The two people have to kiss each other and pass the skittles from one mouth to another.
  7. Repeat. Play again until all the Skittles are gone.
  8. Remember, if you are having a really good time, you might want to take the relationship a little further.


  • If you have a crush on the person you're kissing, make it as sweet and as fun and sensual as possible - maybe then you guys will get to know each other and have a relationship.
  • You may want to separate the skittles into two bowls so that there is one of every color in one bowl and another of every color in the other, and have the boys pick from one bowl and the girls from the other. That way, there will be no need for boys to kiss boys or girls to kiss girls.
  • Ask their preferences first, but also ask others. It's completely okay if a girl wants to kiss girls and not boys, and it's completely okay for boys to kiss boys too, but do make sure that the other people playing the game is comfortable. Don't force anyone if they don't want to.


  • Make sure no one is sick including you.
  • If you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend then don't do a bunch of stuff and get their permission first.
  • Also if you do have a crush, even though this game is supposed to have a sexy feel, it is still a game and they may not be interested in that way.

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