Prepare for Kittens
Getting a new kitten is a very exciting time. Maybe you are bringing one home from a rescue centre or pet shop, or perhaps your cat is about to give birth to a litter. Whatever the situation is, you need to make some preparations to ensure that you and your home are ready for the new arrivals. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment, food, and toys required for a new kitten, and plenty of time to play and bond with her.
Preparing Your Home for Kittens
- Make a list of all the essentials. Begin your preparations for your new kitten by drawing up a list of all the essentials you need to have ready for the arrival. You can organise this list into toys, food, and litter tray supplies. A new kitten will want to play a lot so it's important that you provide plenty of toys for her. You don't have to buy expensive cat toys. Something as simple as a shoelace can be great fun for a kitten to play with.
- Before you buy food, you should speak to the breeder or the place you are adopting the kitten from. It's best to give her the same food to make her more at home and avoid a potential upset stomach.
- If you decide to change the food, do it gradually over about a week. Mix the two types of food together and progressively alter the ratio.
- Ensure you are providing food that is meant for kittens. Kittens use a lot of energy, so they need protein-rich kitten kibble until they are one year old.
- Get a litter tray that she can easily access, and place it somewhere quiet and easy to find.
- Make your house safe and fun. When you get your kitten home you need to keep in mind that she may be frightened and overwhelmed. Start out by putting everything she needs in one room (litter box, toys, food, hiding place, scratch posts) and keep her confined there for a few days while she adjusts. One she seems confident, leave the door to the room open so she can explore the rest of the house.
- Try not to overwhelm the kitten. Make sure you have provided her with a hiding place where she can retreat if she gets scared. If you have children, they should sit on the ground and allow the kitten to approach them.
- If you are bringing her home from a shop, breeder, or rescue centre, ask if there is a blanket which she has been sleeping on. If so, you can ask to take this home so she has something familiar to sleep on.
- Ensure there are no potentially poisonous plants within reach. Part of making your house and garden safe for your new kitten, is checking that do you not have plants that can be poisonous, within reach of your kitten.You should also make sure that there are no plants treated with pesticides, or slug pellets lying around.
- Lillies, and Lily of the Valley. Cats are particularly sensitive to lily poisoning.
- Anemone, Aloe Vera, Amaryllis, and Asparagus Fern.
- Daffodils, Philodendrons, and Jade Plants.
- Chrysanthemums, Cyclamen, and Cycads.
Common plants that can be poisonous when ingested by an animal include the following:
Making Health Preparations
- Determine important information about the mother. Before you take your kitten, you should determine her medical and family background. There are some important questions to ask the breeder, rescue centre, or pet store before you buy a kitten. You should start by asking who bred the kitten, as well as inquiring about the health of the rest of the litter and the mother.
- Specifically, you should find out if the mother has had her vaccinations and been wormed. If she hasn't, it is more likely that her kittens will have health problems.
- Ask how many litters the mother has had. If it is a lot, this may indicate irresponsible breeding and may suggest that the breeders are not taking good care of her.
- Ask if there are potential hereditary health problems that you should be aware of.
- Find out about the kitten's medical status. As well as asking about the mother's medical condition, you should determine the medical status of the kitten before you take her home. Ask if the kitten has been wormed and has had her vaccinations. This should happen with veterinary supervision at an early stage, with the first vaccinations typically administered when she is eight or nine weeks old. Ensure you have the documentation from the vet to prove this.
- Check if she has been microchipped. This is very important, and you can arrange for a vet to do this if the breeder hasn't done it yet.
- Finally, you should ask some questions about the kitten's first weeks. Where has she been kept? Has she had much contact with people or other animals?
- This information will help you understand your kitten. She will need plenty of contact with different people to become comfortable around humans.
- Find a vet. Before you bring her home it's sensible to find your local vet and give them a call to book her in for a check-up. All pets should be registered with a vet to help ensure they are taken good care of, and get all the necessary injections and veterinary care. When you take her in, be sure to bring documentation from the breeder and have any necessary vaccinations, or worming treatments carried out as soon as possible.
- Your vet will also be able to give you guidance about nutrition and care.
- You should also consider getting pet insurance before your kitten gets home.
- Pet bills can be expensive and if you need to get vaccinations, it could be more economic to ensure you have insurance in place first.
Preparing for the Birth of a Litter of Kittens
- Take your pregnant cat to the vet. As soon as you know, or suspect, that your cat might be pregnant, you should take her to the vets to get her checked over. The vet will examiner her, check on how her pregnancy is advancing, and give you guidance about how to care for her during the pregnancy. If your cat has any pre-existing health condition, or is overweight, it is especially important to take her to the vet.
- You will need to increase the amount of food you provide for her as the pregnancy progresses.
- Your vet can advise you on how to go about this in detail, but switching to kitten food in the third trimester is generally advised.
- The vet will be able to give you an estimate of the number of kittens your cat is expecting.
- It is possible that the vet will determine that the pregnancy could endanger your cat, and may decide that spaying her is the safest thing to do.
- Prepare a safe quiet place for the birth. It's essential that you provide a safe, warm and quiet area for her to give birth. You should have this birthing nest set up and ready to go at least a week before she is due. Introduce her to the nest early and make sure she knows about it. If she doesn't have a regular bed or box she likes to sleep in, just get a good sized cardboard box and put some warm blankets in it to make it comfortable.
- Make sure you only use blankets you don't mind getting soiled. Don't use blankets that have a strong smell.
- Place a litter tray near to be box, but not right next to it. Keep the box a couple of feet away.
- Ensure there is fresh water and food next to the box, but keep the bowls outside of the box.
- Ensure you have the right supplies. Once you have prepared the nest and the mother, you need to prepare yourself. Gather together all the supplies you might need if there are any problems with the birth. This way you can act quickly and provide the best possible care. Make sure you have plenty of clean and dry towels, which you might need to clean off the kittens. Get some cat-milk powder, and a kitten bottle, in case there is a problem with nursing.
- Have a cat box ready to go in case you need to take her to vets in a hurry.
- Keep the phone number of your vet handy. If there is a problem call up your vet for advice on how to proceed.
- Monitor the mother closely. Once labour begins you should monitor the mother closely. Stay nearby, but don't get too close. Don't invade her personal space, but being in the same room will let her know you are around and can help reassure her. You should be aware of certain warning signs that could indicate a problem with the birth. Knowing these will help you react quickly, so you can contact your vet is there are complications. There could be a problem if:
- Half an hour after abdominal contractions have started, no kittens have been born.
- Half an hour has gone by since the birth of a kitten, the contractions are continuing, but there is no indication of another kitten on the way.
- A kitten has become stuck halfway during birth. In this case you may be able to apply some gentle pressure to the kitten, but if it doesn't move easily and immediately, contact a vet straight away.
- There is a green or dark discharge from the mother before giving birth. If there is a discharge twelve hours after giving birth, contact your vet.
- A kitten has not suckled for three hours.
- Always consult your vet for advice if you are uncertain about anything.
Things You'll Need
- Blankets
- Milk
- Bottles
- Box
- Information about the mother cat
- Water
- Food
Related Articles
- Feed a Newborn Kitten
- Take Care of Kittens
- Care for Orphaned Kittens Less Than Three Weeks of Age
- Care for Newborn Puppies
- Bathe a Kitten
- Find a Kitten
Sources and Citations
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