Prepare for Your Period

You're walking down the school halls and it hits you by surprise, you got your period! This is how to prepare for a period at school.


The Telling Signs

  1. Be aware that you can get your period anytime between ages 8 to 16. A period is a standard sign of puberty.
  2. Know the signs. There are ways of telling if your period is coming. One way of telling if your period is near is discharge. A discharge is the yellow/white substance that appears in your underwear. Once you get your discharge, your period could come within 6 months and up to 2 years time. Some girls choose to wear a panty liner to protect their underwear, but some don't.
    • Wear pantiliners to protect your underpants.
  3. Note that your breasts will start to grow. A sign that your period might come, is that your breasts might start to grow, they will grow bigger than usual, not that big but they might grow. You can expect your period about two years after your breasts start developing.[1]
  4. Expect to see public hair grow. Just after your breasts start to form, you'll probably start growing pubic hair. It will be soft and thin at first, but it’ll get coarser over time. Your period usually arrives around one to two years after.[1]

Preparing for the First Period

  1. Start the preparations. Once you've had discharge, you should start thinking about being prepared. It might be a good idea to create a mini kit for yourself, small enough to take anywhere you go (such as school). Get a starter kit targeted at tweens and teens; check your local pharmacy.
  2. Know what to use for your first period. Most girls' first periods are light so maybe have some normal or "lil lets teen" pad would be best. Everyone is different so just in case your period comes heavy, it may be a good idea to have a couple heavy pads just in case. It's a good idea to wait until you've had at least 5 periods before you start wearing tampons.
  3. If you think your period may start soon, you may want to start wearing liners, just in case you start when you don't expect to.
  4. Keep a pad in your pocket or bag at all times.

Knowing the First Period is Coming

  1. Check for marks on your undies. You will see bright red marks or you will see brown dark sticky marks, this means it is gonna come soon.
  2. Be aware of any cramps in your stomach region. Your back and legs might hurt and your body also might start to hurt a little, with small cramps.

Coping with Emergencies

  1. If you haven't prepared and you start your period unexpectedly, then go to your school nurse (if you're at school), a friend (if you're with one) or your mum and ask for a pad.
  2. If you are in class and you feel you have started, ask your teacher to be excused. Don't be embarrassed. If they say no, go up to them and quietly explain the situation. If they say no again, just quickly leave. The nurse will most likely give you a note that excuses you.
  3. Wear a night pad before you go to bed is a good idea to stop leakage emergencies while sleeping.

General Expectations for Period Experiences

  1. If you haven't started your period, you may want to wear a pad one day just to get used to it. However, do not wear tampons when you're not on your period!
  2. Note that periods can last up to a whole week. Again, this depends on the person. Mark the date from when it started to when it ended. Then you'll know to expect it around that time.
  3. Deal with tummy troubles. If you’re thinking you don’t look as good in your bikini as you did a few days ago, that might be some period-related bloating. You could also have either diarrhea or constipation, cramps, and nausea. Some girls start craving specific foods and eating a little more than usual, too, so be careful that you keep snacking on healthy things.[2]
  4. Understand that at times you may feel very emotional. You’re not a drama queen, but you’ve been feeling pretty weepy the past few days. That’s probably a sign that your period is right around the corner. You could also be more irritated than usual or have trouble sleeping. And in severe cases, gals have trouble remembering things and concentrating in the days leading up to their periods.[2]
  5. Expect acne. Extra acne tends to pop out on your face when your period shows up because your hormones are going wild.[2]
  6. Expect sometimes to feel sleepy. You might feel more tired than usual.


  • Nobody can tell you are on your period, so don't act like it! Smile, laugh, and hang out with your friends as usual. Remember, there are other girls who are going through the exact same thing.
  • Unfortunately, young girls and teenagers are more prone to period pains (stomach cramps during your period). If you have intense pain during your first period, be sure to buy a hot water bottle or heat pack to hold on your tummy. Also, stock up on painkillers but only take these when necessary, and bear in mind they can take up to an hour to take effect.
  • Replace your tampon every 4 to 6 hours or you could get a potentially fatal illness called Toxic Shock Syndrome.
  • If you have not started your period, you can wear pads but never wear tampons.
  • Keep it a secret that you started your period among friends, but if you feel confident enough, it would be a good idea to tell a close friend so you can confide in someone when at school.
  • After you get your first period, tell an adult at home as soon as possible. Talking to an adult might help you feel better about the changes you are going through.
  • If you have your first period at school and your pants get stained use a sweater to cover it and ask for a pad from the school nurse. If you're too shy use toilet paper until you can get a real one then call home for a change of clothes.
  • Most girls have heavy periods or heavy flows! If you worry your period is too heavy see a doctor or use a birth control pill.
  • This varies for teens everywhere: the time of your period, the flow and your symptoms.


  • If you have sex within 48 hours of your period, this may cause your cycle to be late, and make you pregnant.

Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2