Prepare for a Biopsy
Doctors perform biopsies to check on abnormalities found during routine tests to ensure that you’re healthy. If your doctor has told you that you need a biopsy, you may be feeling scared and nervous. That’s totally understandable, but try to stay calm and focus on what you can do to prepare. While there are several different types of biopsies, almost all of them require the same kind of preparation. You won’t need to drastically alter your daily life to get ready for your procedure, but you should plan to chat with your doctor and make some simple adjustments in the days leading up to the biopsy.
Chatting with Your Doctor
- Ask your doctor why you need the procedure. You may immediately begin to freak out when you hear the word “biopsy.” Stay calm and remember that many of these procedures are routine checks. Ask your doctor to clarify exactly why they want to perform the test. This conversation should make you feel better, as it will remind you that their biggest priority is keeping you healthy.
- Listen to your doctor explain the details and risks of the procedure. There are several different types of biopsies. Your doctor will tell you what kind of procedure they’re performing, and they’ll take you through it step-by-step. They’ll also inform you of any risks. While biopsies are generally simple and safe tests, you may experience bruising, pain, swelling, scarring, or infection at the biopsy site.
- Find out about recovery from your doctor. Depending on the type of biopsy you get, your recovery time will vary. For almost all procedures, you’ll almost certainly want to take it easy for at least a day. Make sure your doctor is very clear about your specific recovery timeline so you’re aware of when you can return to your normal day-to-day lifestyle.
- If you’re not having any anesthesia, you may be back to normal within a day. If your procedure is more complex or if you’re having general anesthesia, the recovery time may be longer.
- Tell your doctor about any medications, supplements, or allergies. Your doctor may use this information to make adjustments to their plan for the procedure. They’ll also tell you if you need to stop taking any particular medications or supplements in the days leading up to the biopsy.
- Tell your doctor if you’re on blood thinners or have a history of excessive bleeding. It’s important for the doctor to be prepared for heavy bleeding during biopsies. Even though they’re generally using small needles, not having this information could lead to unnecessary complications. They may change their plans or tools depending on your history and unique needs.
- If you’re on blood thinners, it’s likely that your doctor will tell you to stop taking these drugs several days before your test.
- Inform your doctor if you are pregnant. Pregnant women won’t be able to use certain medications, so this information will likely affect the doctor’s prescriptions leading up to, during, and after the procedure. The doctor will also be limited in the types of scans they can take.
- Inform your doctor if you have diabetes. Your doctor may want you to stop taking your insulin the day of the procedure. They’ll give you insulin and monitor your blood sugar during the biopsy. Your doctor could also tell you to adjust your dosage on the day of the test instead of skipping your injection entirely.
- Make your doctor aware of any recent illnesses. If you’ve been sick or had an infection, this may have weakened your immune system. Since sick bodies are already working hard to heal, it may not be the best time for your biopsy. Your doctor will be able to make this decision once you’ve given them all the facts.
- Sign consent forms with your doctor. Most biopsies will be considered simple surgical procedures. This means that your doctor will require you to sign a consent form. Don’t get stressed out when you read this form! It should include all the information you’ve already discussed, including the details and risks of the test.
- If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent or guardian to sign your consent form for you.
- It’s super unlikely that you’ll suffer from any of the risks your doctor will discuss with you. Remember to breathe during these conversations. Your doctor just wants to make sure that you know everything you need to before the procedure.
Getting Your Body Ready
- Stop taking aspirin and aspirin substitutes one week before the biopsy. Most doctors will ask you not to take these medications, although you should double check with your individual doctor. Along with aspirin, avoid ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, and Naprosyn. You can take Tylenol for pain.
- These are all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that could lead to bleeding or complications during surgical procedures.
- Make a plan for your blood thinners. If you’re on blood thinners, your doctor will give you specific advice about the days leading up to the procedure. They may not need you to change anything. Some doctors, however, will ask you to stop taking these meds a few days (usually three) before your biopsy.
- Follow your doctor’s instructions on insulin and other medications. Your doctor will also make a plan for any other medications or supplements you’re taking. They’ll tell you exactly what they want you to do leading up to the procedure, and whether you can take your meds on the day of the biopsy.
- Depending on the type of biopsy, your doctor may just adjust your dosage. In some cases, you’ll need to stop taking insulin or other medications and supplements on the morning of the test.
- Don’t eat or drink for 6-8 hours before the biopsy for some procedures. Especially if your procedure involves general anesthesia, your doctor will probably tell you not to eat or drink anything in the hours leading up to the test. For simpler biopsies, you can likely eat and drink as you normally would. Double check with your doctor for specific instructions.
- Sip water to take any necessary medications.
- If you have a morning slot for your biopsy and your doctor doesn’t want you to eat or drink before the test, you’ll need to stop eating and drinking the night before.
- Wear only easily removable jewelry and clothing. You’ll probably need to change from your normal clothes into a hospital gown. Your doctor will also likely ask you to take off all of your jewelry. The faster this process goes, the quicker you’ll be out of there.
- Wear a bra for breast biopsies. Most doctors or nurses give patients who receive breast biopsies a small ice pack after the procedure. You can put this ice pack inside your bra to keep it securely pressed against the biopsy site.
- Do not put lotion, powder, perfume, or deodorant on the biopsy site. You don’t want these materials to compromise the test. If your test comes back inconclusive, you may need to repeat the whole process over again.
Arranging for Support
- Reach out to friends and family for emotional support. You’re probably feeling scared and unsettled as the date of your biopsy gets closer. Lean on your people. It’s important to talk through your fears and worries so you don’t get overwhelmed by them.
- You might also want to set up an appointment with a therapist. They can help you work through your emotions and set up a concrete plan for dealing with them.
- If you discuss the test with those who are close to you, they can support you through the whole process. They’ll be there for you as you get ready for the biopsy, on the day you take it, and while you wait for results. Don’t tough this one out on your own.
- Plan for a friend or family member to drive you. While you may technically be able to drive yourself for simpler tests, if you’re able to have someone with you, bring them. They can be there for support and transportation, as you’ll almost certainly be tired even after quick and easy biopsies.
- This is absolutely critical if your procedure involves general anesthesia, as you cannot drive for at least 24 hours after taking this medication.
- Plan to take it easy for the rest of the day. If you’re able to take a day off work, do so. You’ll probably want to nap and rest after the biopsy. If you need to work or you have children, try to limit yourself to small and simple tasks. Don’t lift anything over a few pounds (or about 1 kg).
- Ask a friend or family member to help with household chores. This is the perfect opportunity for you to call in a favor! See if someone else can handle cooking, cleaning, and general household tasks for at least a day. Tell them you’ve got their back when they need it in the future.
- Ensure that you won’t be alone for at least 24 hours. Just in case there are unexpected complications, it’s a good idea for you to have a buddy around. They can call the doctor and get you to the emergency room if necessary. They can also help you monitor changes and strange symptoms if any occur after the biopsy.
- While you may experience some mild pain or discomfort for a few days, this should stop pretty quickly. If you’re experiencing sharp or extreme pain, especially at the biopsy site, plan to call your doctor. If your pain lasts for more than a few days, call your doctor.
- Always check with your doctor about your individual procedure to get their specific advice for preparation. Only they will be able to inform you of exactly what you need to do to keep yourself safe and healthy.
Sources and Citations
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