Prevent Frostbite

Frostbite happens when body tissue freezes during exposure to cold temperatures and wind. Fingers, toes, ears and the nose are most commonly affected by frostbite, since they’re harder to keep warm in the cold. Since frostbite can cause permanent damage to skin tissue, it’s important to watch the weather, dress appropriately and seek immediate attention if you suspect frostbite has occurred.


Dressing Appropriately

  1. Check the weather before you go out. Take time to look at the weather forecast and decide what you need to wear today. Preventing frostbite is all about being as prepared as possible. If you're going to be outside all day, whether you're hiking or standing in line for concert tickets, frostbite is a real possibility.
  2. Make sure you have enough clothing to face dropping temperatures. Winter weather can be very unpredictable. While you might be well-equipped for a the afternoon high, you should also think ahead about the night's low, just in case you get delayed.
  3. Be prepared in case of unexpected snowstorms or high winds. Exposure to wet snow and cold winds increases the chance that you could end up with frostbite.
  4. Wear layers. People who spend a lot of time outside have developed a sort of system for dressing for winter weather. No matter how warm your winter coat is, it's not going to be as effective as an outfit composed of more than one layer. A good winter weather getup includes the following basics:
  5. Wear a wicking fabric close to the skin. This is a type of synthetic fabric that keeps your skin from staying damp.
  6. Wear a warm fabric over that. Wool is a good choice. Never wear cotton, since it doesn't dry fast enough and doesn't provide good insulation.
  7. Wear a weather-appropriate fabric as the top layer. Your winter coat, a rain jacket, or a combination of the two should be on top to protect you from the elements.
  8. Examine your clothing for gaps. Make sure there’s not an area where cold air is hitting your skin. The place where your pants and shirt meet, your wrists, ankles and neck are all susceptible to frostbite. Even those these aren't the most common places to get frostbite, you should take every precaution just in case.
  9. Make sure your undershirt is tucked tightly into your pants.
  10. Tuck your socks over the bottoms of your pants.
  11. Tuck the tops of your mittens over your sleeves.
  12. Take extra care to protect your head, hands and feet. These are the parts that most often end up frost-bitten. They're the outer parts of your body that don't benefit from your warm layers. That means you have to take extra care to clothe these parts of your body properly so they stay as warm as possible.
  13. Wear a warm hat with ear flaps.
  14. Protect your eyes and nose in very cold temperatures. You might want to get a ski mask.
  15. Wear mittens instead of gloves; they’re warmer.
  16. Wear appropriate footwear and socks. If you anticipate getting wet, wear waterproof boots.

Knowing When to Go Inside

  1. Bring children inside every hour to warm up. Children are more susceptible to frostbite, since they're not as aware when of the warning signs. A child might lose a mitten and end up with numb fingers without giving it a moment's notice. Bring your children inside often, especially in very cold temperatures, to make sure they stay safe.
  2. Seek shelter if you encounter a serious storm or extreme cold. Frostbite can start to occur very quickly at low temperatures or when there are high winds or precipitation. If the weather conditions change, it's important to seek shelter as soon as possible.
  3. Change or go in immediately if you get wet. Wet clothing against the skin increases the risk of frostbite. Keep clothes dry, especially socks and gloves or mittens. Bring extras or go inside to dry them off if they become wet.
  4. Check your skin for frostbite every half hour. This is especially important when you’re in very cold temperatures.[1] Look at your skin, press it to feel how firm it is, and wiggle your fingers and toes. Early signs of frostbite include:[2]
  5. Frostnip: This is the earliest stage. It involves painful sensations and red skin that responds normally to pressure.
  6. Superficial frostbite: The second stage is characterized by numbness and white or grayish-yellow skin that still feels soft.
  7. Deep frostbite: This type of frostbite is very dangerous, and requires immediate medical attention. See if there's numbness and white or grayish-yellow skin that feels waxy and unusually firm. Dizziness, confusion and fever may also be present.

Dealing With Possible Frostbite

  1. Get to a warm place immediately. If you have any of the early signs of frostbite, go inside and start getting warm. Take off wet clothes and change into dry ones or use a warm blanket to warm up. Have a warm drink like tea, hot chocolate or just warm water to start bringing your body temperature back up.
  2. Don't attempt to go back outside after warming up. The affected area will be susceptible to further damage if you go outside. Don't risk it just because you want to get back to skiing or hiking.
  3. If you can't find a warm place or are too far away from the closest heated building, seek shelter out of the wind and call for help.
  4. Immerse the affected area in warm water. Fill a bowl or pot with warm water and completely submerge the affected area. Do not use hot water, as it will heat the skin too quickly and damage the tissue. Soak the area for 30 to 40 minutes.
  5. Have someone not affected by frostbite test the water to make sure it's warm, but not hot. The person with frostbite may not be able to sense the temperature accurately.
  6. After about 30 or 40 minutes, full sensation should be regained, and the color should begin returning to normal. As the tissue begins to warm, it's common to feel severe pain.
  7. Don’t warm the area using other methods. Handling the tissue roughly could result in a lot of damage Warm water should be the only warming mechanism you use to restore the body part to the correct temperature. Avoid doing the following:
  8. Don’t rub the skin, either with your hands or with a towel.
  9. Don’t use dry heat, since the numb skin will easily burn
  10. Call for medical assistance or see a doctor to assess the injuries. Frostnip may be treatable at home without need for further assistance, but anything beyond that could cause long-term damage. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to get medical attention:[3]
  11. Blistering
  12. Loss of sensation
  13. Pale or discolored skin
  14. Discharge from the affected area
  15. Fever, confusion or dizziness


  • Wool or synthetic wool are better clothing to wear than cotton in cold weather, as cotton's wicking properties can actually make your skin colder.
  • If a person is suffering from hypothermia and frostbite, treat hypothermia first.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, as both increase the body's susceptibility to cold.
  • Remember the saying "Wool is Warm and Cotton Kills".


  • Frostbite can be serious. Treat with care. Do not unfreeze tissues that have frozen if they may be frozen again.

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