Prevent Tear Staining in Dogs
Tear staining is the rusty discoloration you sometimes see in the fur around dogs' eyes. To prevent tear staining, you first want to correct any underlying health problems that affect the eyes. If this isn't possible, regular cleaning of the face is an owner's best chance of keeping their dog's face stain-free.
Identifying and Treating Underlying Problems
- Understand tear stains. Tears contain a chemical called porphyrin that turns rust-colored when exposed to the air. A process called oxidation causes an eventual color stain to a dog's fur. Just like hair dye, it takes a while for the porphyrin to stain fur. Tear staining is a result of tears not being wiped away before the fur gets stained.
- It is more important, however, to understand why a dog's eyes are tearing. This could have a medical cause and should be evaluated by a veterinarian.
- Have a veterinarian examine the dog's tear ducts. The eye produces tears to moisten the eye's surface and flush away dust and debris. The tears then drain away via the tear ducts, which act like a plug hole in a sink. If the ducts are narrow or blocked, tears can't drain away efficiently and spill over the face.
- If dirt or debris got your dog's eyes, it may have blocked the tear duct. The vet may be able to remove it.
- Ducts sometimes get narrow due to infection. A vet should be able to detect an infection and prescribe antibiotics as treatment. See a veterinarian immediately if you suspect infection. Infections can cause ulcers and cause permanent damage to the eyes.
- Consider a saline flush for narrow ducts. Your dog may just have been born with narrow ducts. A veterinarian can confirm this by ruling out more serious causes. This is common in toy breeds like Chihuahuas, poodles, and Bichon Frises. Unfortunately, trying to open up naturally narrow ducts doesn't often succeed. The vet might try to stretch the duct with a saline flush, but it will likely shrink back down.
- In rare cases, this process causes scar tissue that narrows the duct even more.
- In rare cases, this can lead to long-term improvement. Ask your vet's opinion about whether stretching the tear duct is the right decision for your dog.
- Wipe bulbous eyes every couple of hours. Some breeds such as pugs or Pekingese have very large, round eyes that are somewhat bulbous. Big eyes are more likely to water because they have a larger surface area. Bulbous eyes also tend to push the eyelid forward and out, making the tear duct poorly-aligned to drain the fluid away.
- Wipe tears away regularly. You can medicated pads from a pet store that contains solution to safely clean the area under your dog's eyes.
- Wipe your dog's eyes every couple of hours or whenever you see fresh tears.
- Remove environmental factors that cause eye irritation. When the eye's irritated, it produces tears to flush the irritation away. Irritants can include allergies, cigarette smoke, perfumes, deodorants, or spray air fresheners. If you suspect a substance is causing your dog's eyes tearing, stop exposing your dog to the substance and see if it helps.
- If the dog's eyes improve, you can try to reintroduce irritants to see if these were indeed what caused the tearing. If you're able to confirm, stop exposing your dog to these substances.
- When using an aerosol spray of any sort, keep the dog out of the room for 20 minutes or until the air is clear.
- See a vet for medication if your dog suffers from allergies, like hay fever, which can also result in scratching at itchy skin.
- Keep the eyes clear of hair. If your dog has a long coat, his fur might be getting into his eyes. This can cause irritation that leads to tearing. Get your dog groomed in a manner that keeps his eyes free of hanging fur.
- Check for inward-growing hairs around the eyes. Sometimes fine hairs around the eyelid that grow inward toward the cornea. If this is the case, the dog's eye will be irritated every time he blinks — like when you have dust in your eye.
- You will not be able to see inward growing hairs with the naked eye, but a vet should be able to use special equipment to examine your dog's eyes. He or she will be able to see if this is the cause of your dog's tearing.
- A clinician can remove the hairs through a process like electrolysis. An electrical current is used to kill the hair follicles. The hairs won't be able to grow back.
Reducing the Marks left by Tear Overflow
- Understand that tear staining doesn't harm your dog. The sight of rusty fur might unsettle you, but your dog isn't suffering from anything but the tearing. Sometimes, tearing is just a natural part of the dog's anatomy, if he has bulbous eyes, for example. Treating the tear stains is a cosmetic concern only, so it's up to you on whether or not you want to treat the problem.
- Wipe the eyes regularly. Keep some clean cotton swabs with you, and and each time you see eye goop glistening in the corner of the dog's eye, wipe it away. Don't let the fluid dry and get crusty, or it will build up in the corner of the eye. You can usually just remove this with your fingers, but sometimes it dries onto the hair and is harder to clear away. In that case, soak a cotton swab in cooled boiled water, soak the crust until it softens, and then remove it with your fingers.
- Be careful when using stain removing products. There are many grooming products that promise to remove or reduce tear staining. However, you should only use these after a vet has checked your dog to find out if you can treat the tearing yourself.
- Read labels carefully to see if you need to dilute the product before applying it to your dog's face.
- Some of these stain-removing products have ingredients that can irritate the eyes. Check with your vet for recommendations on how to avoid worsening the problem.
- Never try to unblock a clogged tear duct at home. Your veterinarian has special instruments to perform these types of procedures and make your dog comfortable during the process.
- Some recommendations include giving an antacid to your dog because of the calcium content; however, antacids contain other ingredients that may not be good for your dog. In addition, an antacid would cancel out any attempt to lower your dog's tears to a more acid environment. It is always best to check with your veterinarian before administering this type of treatment.
- There is controversy about giving antibiotics to dogs to curtail excessive tearing. Antibiotics, if recommended by your veterinarian, should be used sparingly and never over the long term as a preventative measure. Bacteria can build up resistance to antibiotics that are used incorrectly and you will expose your dog to a whole host of other health problems as a result. Never give antibiotics to puppies unless the product is specifically for dogs under a certain age. Make sure that any products you use are antibiotic free by researching the product for its ingredients.
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Sources and Citations
- Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
- ↑ Manual of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology. Gould. Publisher: BSAVA Publications.
- Veterinary Ophthalmology. Gelatt. Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
- Manual of Canine and Feline Ophthalmology. Gould. Publisher: BSAVA Publications.