Prevent UTI During Pregnancy

While pregnant women often need to urinate more frequently, the physical changes of pregnancy may have other effects upon your urinary tract. Your uterus sits on top of your bladder. As your uterus (and the baby inside) grows, the increased weight can block the drainage of urine from your bladder. Pregnancy hormones also produce changes within your urinary system. Your kidneys are working overtime to compensate for your new, higher blood volume, and this can slow your urine flow. These factors can lead to urinary tract infections, or UTIs. Pregnant women are particularly prone to these often painful infections during weeks six to 24 of their pregnancies.[1] Fortunately, there are many ways to decrease your chances of getting a UTI during pregnancy.


Ensuring Proper Nutrition

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids daily. Water can help flush bacteria from your system, preventing new infections and perhaps even flushing the beginnings of an infection from your system.
    • Drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses (1.4 to 2 liters) of water every day.[1]
    • Consider adding lemon to your water to increase the acidity of your urine and fight bacterial growth.[2]
    • Drink unsweetened cranberry juice daily. While studies remain inconclusive, some evidence exists to suggest cranberry juice may reduce bacteria in the urinary tract and reduce the formation of new bacteria.[3][4]
    • Avoid other fruit juices, alcohol and caffeinated beverages.[1]
    • Check the color of your urine to see if you're getting enough fluids. Dark urine indicates that you may be dehydrated, which can lead to a UTI when pregnant.
  2. Take vitamins to help prevent infection. The right blend of vitamins can also boost your immune system, which can help your body fight off UTIs and other infections.
    • Ask your doctor which vitamins are safe to use during pregnancy. Ensure they won't interact negatively with any medication you are taking. In general, your daily regimen should consist of 250 to 500 mg of vitamin C, 25,000 to 50,000 IU of beta carotene, and 30 to 50 mg of zinc.[1] While standard prenatal vitamins will include some of these vitamins, you will likely want to take additional supplements to ensure you receive sufficient doses.[5]
  3. Choose whole foods in place of overly refined or processed foods, or foods that contain a lot of sugar. Sugar can inhibit white blood cells in the body from fighting off bacteria, including the bacteria that cause UTIs.
    • Consume antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, and squash.[6]

Maintaining Proper Hygiene

  1. Keep your genital area clean. Avoid using strong soap, cream, douches, powders and sprays. These products may increase the chances of contracting a UTI during pregnancy.
    • Take a shower rather than a bath. If you must bathe, avoid taking more than two baths per day or bathing for more than half an hour at a time.[1]
    • Avoid bubble bath or bath beads, which can inflame the urethral opening.
    • Make sure the tub is cleaned and rinsed well before taking a bath.
  2. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Holding your urine keeps bacteria in your bladder longer and gives it a greater chance of developing into an infection. Take care to completely empty your bladder during each trip. Remember that the pressure of your growing uterus may complicate this practice; you'll need to carefully consider whether you're actually done urinating.
    • Blot dry with toilet paper and do not rub your genital area. Wipe from front to back every time.[7]
    • Treat constipation properly as soon as possible.[8]
  3. Go to the bathroom before and after sexual intercourse. Wash your genital area with warm water before sex to eliminate bacteria. You may use a water-based lubricant during sex.[9]
    • You should not have sex if you are being treated for a urinary tract infection.

Wearing Proper Clothing

  1. Switch to cotton underwear and change them daily. Synthetic fabrics trap moisture next to the skin, while cotton allows your genital area to "breathe." Clean garments prevent bacteria from accumulating in the genital region.
    • Ensure your underwear are fitting properly. The style of your underwear is less important than the garment's fit. Wear the type you find most comfortable, but make sure they are sufficiently roomy.[10]
  2. Wear loosely fitting pants and skirts. Tight, restrictive clothing may make it more difficult to completely empty your bladder. This encourages back-up in your urinary tract and causes infection.
    • Polyester and synthetic garments can retain moisture and can promote the growth of bacteria. Look for garments made from cotton, linen, and other natural fibers.[7]
    • Tights and pantyhose (especially non-cotton varieties) also trap moisture near your genital region, so consider your pregnancy an excuse to enjoy the freedom of bare legs whenever possible.
  3. Cross your ankles instead of your legs when you sit. Crossing your legs restricts airflow and traps moisture against the skin, creating a hospitable environment for the growth of bacteria.[1]

Consulting Your Health Care Professional

  1. Contact your doctor right away if you believe you might have a UTI. UTIs are more likely to develop into kidney infections in pregnant women than in women who aren't pregnant. By treating your UTI right away with antibiotics you'll reduce the risk of a more serious infection.[2]
  2. Consult your doctor before using additional supplements. You may come across articles recommending UTI prevention regimens such as d-mannose, a kind of sugar related to glucose which may prevent certain kinds of bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. Far less research has been done on the impact of these supplements upon pregnant women. Never begin a supplement regimen without asking your doctor about its potential risks and benefits for your health and the health of your child.[11]
  3. Ask your doctor about vaccines. Although vaccines for UTI were in development stages in 2014, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Michigan, among other institutions, are actively pursuing vaccine research. Scientists are confident vaccines will be a viable treatment approach in the future.[12][13][14] they are expected to be available in the next couple of years.


  • It is common for your first prenatal visit to include a urine culture. Many women have high levels of bacteria without symptoms (called asymptomatic bacteria). This does require treatment, and a future urine culture should be performed to verify that the bacteria is gone.


  • Maternal risks of an untreated UTI include high blood pressure, anemia or infections in the womb.
  • If left untreated, a UTI can cause preterm labor and result in low birth weight for your baby. It may even cause some developmental or mental health issues in newborns.
  • Urinary tract infections that become kidney infections can result in a serious condition that can lead to death of the mother and baby.

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