Pronounce Hermione

“Hermione” is a tricky name to pronounce. The name has references all the way back to Greek mythology and comes up in a few famous pieces of literature. If you have not heard it pronounced correctly, then you likely do not know how to do so.


  1. Break down the name into syllables. The correct pronunciation of “Hermione” has four syllables, so in order to pronounce it correctly, you need to break the whole name down into those syllables.
    • Write or type the name on a piece of paper; then use your index fingers or additional small pieces of paper to cover up parts of the name.
  2. Focus on the first syllable of her name. The first syllable is “Her-,” which is at the beginning of the name “Hermione.”
    • This first syllable is simply pronounced “her,” as in “him or her.”
    • Cover up the rest of her name (i.e. “-mione”) with your index finger or a small piece of paper so that you focus only on this first syllable.
  3. Move onto the second syllable. After you practice pronouncing “Her-,” cover up that syllable with an index fingers or piece of paper and move onto the next syllable, which is “-mi-.”
    • Pronounce the second syllable in the same way that you say “my,” as in “my book.” This is one of the two syllables that confuse people the most in pronouncing her name, because some people want to pronounce it as “me.”
    • The emphasis of the name should fall on this syllable (i.e. “Her-MY-”).
  4. Shift to the third syllable of the name, which is “-o-.” This next syllable is not pronounced quite the way it is written.
    • The third syllable is pronounced “uh,” as if you paused in the middle of a sentence.
    • At this point, you should cover up the first two syllables (i.e. “Her-mi-”) and the last syllable (i.e. “-ne”).
  5. Practice the last syllable of “Hermione.” This is the other tricky syllable, but it is pronounced like the word “knee.”
    • This last syllable is pronounced “nee,” as in “kneecap.”
    • The first three syllables (i.e. “Her-mi-o-”) of the name should be covered up at this point.
  6. Put all four syllables together and practice saying the name in its entirety: “Her-my-uh-nee.” This pronunciation has been verified as the traditional Greek way of pronouncing the name.[1]


  • Be aware that the pronunciation of this name can vary depending on where you are located and the dialect or accent of your region. These pronunciations are not necessarily wrong, but they will sound different than the approved pronunciation.

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