Properly Flush a 2 Stroke Jet Ski/Sea Doo/Waverunner/Personal Water Craft
A Personal Watercraft, (PWC), can provide you with years of great riding and hundreds of hours of fun, as long as you maintain it properly each and every time you ride it! Unfortunately, most people do not understand the harmful effects of saltwater on their motors and fiberglass bodies, and thus simply take the PWC out of the water, dry it off, and call it a day. Following are the proper steps to maintain your PWC. Expect it to take approximately 45 minutes.
- Wash off its exterior thoroughly with fresh water as soon as possible, after safely removing the PWC from the water, Use some car wash and a wash mitt if you have time, but be absolutely certain that no salt water remains on the PWC. Spend extra time washing out the "business end" of the PWC - the jet nozzle, the reverse gate, the impeller, the ride plate.
- Allow the engine to cool down before flushing. Flushing a hot engine can cause small stress cracks in the cylinder due to the differential expansion between the aluminum cylinder and iron liner.
- Unscrew your PWC's drain plugs. Open your PWC's hood - wash the engine bay down with fresh water - be sure not to hit the electrics with direct spray.
- Hook the hose up to the water injection port (the flushing port). Do not turn on the water. (IF you force water into the motor without it running, water can and will backtrack up into the carb and cylinders causing hydro-lock.) Start the engine; let it idle for a few seconds. Then, with engine running, turn on the water. Ensure that water is flowing out of the exhaust, the impeller grate, and the cooling port(s). Let the motor run at idle for approximately 8-9 minutes. After this time has passed, remove the hose. Let the engine run another 5-6 seconds, then stop the engine.
- Ensure your PWC is secure to the trailer. Tilt the PWC back on its trailer. This allows all the gathered water inside to run out. Hold the trailer at an angle for approximately 3-5 minutes. Once it is back level, use shop towels or rags to dry off the entire engine bay/battery compartment/exterior.
- Open the port on the carb silencer - it is usually a small rubber gasket that can easily be opened by hand. Start the engine, and let it run for 1-2 seconds. With the engine idling, shoot a little bit of "FOGGING OIL" into the port. (The engine will bog down for a second, and then resume its normal idle). Spray another little shot of fogging oil in, the engine bogs down, and then it picks back up. Once the engine is idling again, stop it.
- Coat the entire engine, the "business end of the PWC" (including the impeller, the jet gates, the reverse gates, and all the exposed metal in the rear of the PWC), and all cables and linkages with a thin coat of silicone lubricant. (Many people use WD-40 for this, or CorrosionPro Lube.) Any light oil that displaces moisture will work - this is just to seal the metal off from any corrosion causing moisture.
- Apply a vinyl treatment to your vinyl seats - this can be from an automotive store, or a boating supply store, but protect those seats from cracking, fading and wearing thin!
- Fill your PWC with gasoline and Oil (especially if it's a two stroke). Leaving these tanks with empty space is just asking water and condensation to form. Be safe, keep them stored full!
- It is a very good idea to use a fuel stabilizer gasoline additive. While it is almost imperative to treat your gas if you are not planning to use your PWC during the off-season, etc., it is a good practice to always treat your gas since the stabilizer significantly slows the absorption of water vapor from the air. You are done - cover your PWC with a tarp or a provided cover and call it another great day on the water.
- You must get this procedure accomplished ASAP after you are out of the water - the longer salt can sit on the PWC, the faster it corrodes and destroys your boat.
- A lot of these products can be bought from a local auto parts store or boating supplies store.
- Remember, this is your PWC and its your money tied up in its ownership. Take pride in your ride and maintain it right - in return it will provide you with a long time of good riding
- This procedure described above IS NOT for long term storage - this is simply a procedure to keep your PWC healthy for a few days while it sits out of the water.
- Having a buddy there to help you can really make things go by faster
- This procedure is also very applicable to those who ride in fresh water - there are still many contaminants in fresh water that can harm your ride.
- The above procedures were written with a 2-STROKE 800 CC Dual cylinder engine in mind.
- Don't skimp by buying cheap chemicals - This is your ride - treat it with pride.
- Always seek the help of experienced PWC maintainers when doing this procedure for the first time.
- Never run your motor out of water for longer than 10-15 seconds without cooling water hooked up to it.
- Your PWC is pasted with various warning labels and danger icons. Ensure that you take them seriously and follow their instructions.
- The above described procedures are taken from multiple owners manuals and technician's advice. Always follow your owners manuals instructions to the letter and seek advice from trained professionals first.
- You are responsible for your PWC, and this procedure may or may not be the best suited to your PWC. Do not use this procedure without first checking with your PWC manufacturer and trained/certified technicians.
- Never start any of this until your PWC is secured to the trailer
- Always make sure everyone is CLEAR of the back of the PWC when you start the motor.
Things You'll Need
- A Hose hook-up and a garden hose
- A flushing attachment for the garden hose
- Silicone lubricant
- Fogging Oil
- 2 Stroke Oil that meets manufacturer’s requirements
- Gasoline
- Rags and Towels