Protect Animals with Your Actions

Animals are important. They are sometimes defenseless against humans. We should do more for them, don't you think?


  1. Don't litter. This is the single most easy way to harm the environment. Littering increases damage of habitats, and is a possible choking hazard, especially to animals foraging for food. It also ruins the view... so stop littering and start doing the 5R's
  2. If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes, nicely remind them of the damage they're causing. Do the same if you see people chasing birds, throwing rocks at animals,nests, anything that is harmful, or could be harmful in the future. Old bird nests can be homes for birds that return year after year to the same place. Try not to get too frustrated if they just don't "get" it.
  3. Cut up those plastic eight pack rings you get from soda cans before you throw them away. They are very real choking items for seabirds that get their head stuck in them while foraging for food.(Often in Trash Cans...)
  4. Go green, and turn off the lights when you leave the room, turn off the water when you don't need it, walk instead of drive, and get cloth bags instead of the plastic bags at the grocery stores. These will help animals in the long run. It will also help the environment. Need help, search Google or Yahoo!
  5. Spread the word!! The more people helping animals, the better the chance of saving them! One person can make a difference, but many will make a much more benefiting change to animals.
  6. Create a website devoted to saving them if you have time, it works wonders.
  7. Write a letter to the government and try to convince them that whatever you want them to do will work.
  8. Create a group on Facebook or something, or create a weekly, monthly group who's goal is to help animals.
  9. Donate to the ASPCA or the Audubon society.


  • Google or Yahoo! works if you're stuck in a rut and can't think of anything else to add.
  • Send out a mass E-mail, but don't make it cheesy or anything. Simply give a couple of tips and ask that you do it as a favor.( It works best if you ask it for like bonus for your birthday of something)\
  • Using chalk, write a message like "SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!" on a driveway or somewhere where people are more likely to see it.
  • Consider adopting a dog or cat from a shelter. If you have the space for it and know you'll take care of it, that is.
  • Consider going vegetarian or vegan. Is there really a difference between the animals you help and those you eat?
  • If you see a dog left in a car, on a hot or even just a sunny day, it can get really hot really quick. Call the emergency services; in many places it's illegal.


  • Make sure whatever you're doing is legal. Aka, don't write on someone else's driveway without permission, and don't by accidentally break a rule while sending out an email.

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