Put up an A Frame Tent
Do you still have one of those really old A Frame tents but you are afraid to use it because you don't know how to set it up? After reading this how-to you will know exactly how to setup an A Frame tent!
- Gather the things you will need.
- Pick a Good Location
- The ideal location to pitch an A Frame tent would be on a flat surface. As well as a flat surface, try to find a spot with a higher elevation than the surrounding area. The purpose of doing this is in case it rains or floods, the water will not all drain down into your tent.
- Prepare the Area
- Clear away any sticks, stones, pieces of glass or other sharp materials that may cause your tent to rip.
- Lay Your Tent Out
- Spread the tent out on the ground where you plan on setting it up.
- Peg Your Tent Out
- Secure the inner part of the tent to the ground by inserting a peg through each one of the loops find on the corners of the tent. When hammering your pegs into the ground be sure that the fabric is stretched tight.
- Assemble the Poles
- Connect the pole segments together.
- Erect the Tent
- Placing one pole in the top corner of the tent at one end, wedge it vertically into the ground. While in position, pull on the guy rope to suspend the pole where it is. Pull the guy rope as far as you can away from the tent, as this will make your tent more secure.
- Flysheet
- Throw the flysheet over the entire tent, aligning the corners with the pole. Pull the end guy ropes out and secure them. peg the other guy ropes in place.
- Final Check
- Step back and make sure that your tent looks as if it has been setup correctly!
- If you have to pitch a tent on an incline or uneven surface, be sure that the door faces downhill to prevent the tent flooding.
- Hammer the pegs into the ground at a 45 degree angle so the end of the peg is facing away from the tent. This will make it more difficult for the wind to uproot them.
- If you will be camping in a campsite try to pitch your tent at least {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} away from the nearest tent. If you don't have a meter stick, just take 6 large steps away from the nearest tent.
- Never pitch a tent under a tree as the tree may fall on your tent.
Things You'll Need
- A Frame Tent
- 1 inner
- 1 waterproof flysheet
- some pegs
- some tent poles - will come in pieces
- mallet to hammer in the pegs