Raise an Orphaned Lamb
Raising an orphaned lamb is a learning and fun experience. Orphaned lambs are great for young children to be taught responsibility. Another reason for raising orphaned lambs is to watch an animal grow and develop along with yourself; it is a joyful experience.
- Collect the supplies outlined in "Things You'll Need". Remember to make a suitable shelter for the lamb to live in as it grows.
- Locate an orphaned lamb. Contact a breeder or ranch.
- Mix the milk. Milk replacer can be obtained from your local feed store or ordered from a livestock magazine. Be sure to follow instructions on the replacer tub; some brand's mixing instructions differ from others. Pull the rubber nipple down tightly.
- Teach the lamb to suck from an artificial nipple. Slowly put your fingers in the lambs mouth pressing the nipple together slowly squeeze some milk into the lambs mouth. After about three or four squeezes the lamb should catch on and suck regularly.
- Washing the bottle and nipple is easy fill it with water.
- Shaking the water out quickly and thoroughly do this 3 to 4 times.
- Rinsing the nipple is also easy just run warm water over it wiping it with a paper towel.
- Teaching the lamb to suck regularly should be easy, after this is complete feed the lamb 3 times daily.
- Growing quickly, the lamb will become attached to you with time. You will need to vaccinate with an over eating shot that can be found at your local veterinary clinic.
- Docking the lamb is next removing the tail and testicles if it is a buck (ram). This can be done two ways old fashion or modern. Modern is done by placing special rubber bands around the tail and testicles.
- Finishing is a great experience and you will have a friend for life with your lamb.
- Remember to keep watching the lamb's behaviour to see what he/she is doing!
- During the feeding of the lamb tickling its tail or rubbing its muzzle will help the lamb to feel more comfortable and suck better.
- If the lamb has lots of room to run around it will be happier and it will sleep more.
- Baby bottles with nipples work well. Holes can be added as they need to be. you can use a hot needle for this and when the lamb gets bigger small nail scissors may be needed.
- During docking ask a veterinary or rancher for help with this process.
- If you are having problems securing the traditional rubber teat on the bottle, consider buying a teat that can be twisted on to the bottle. They may be a little more expensive but could be worth it in the long run.
- A homemade electrolyte solution can be made in a pinch by mixing {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} water, 2 ounces dextrose (corn syrup), 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.
- Adding a teaspoon of sugar in the milk will also help the lamb to suck better.
- The lamb will need care at all times so if you leave you would make sure the lamb is taken care of with someone that knows what they are doing.
Things You'll Need
- Bottles, plastic or glass, suitable for feeding
- Rubber teats/nipples
- Ewe milk replacer
- Warm and comfortable place for lamb to sleep
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