Raise the Chances of Having a Boy
Gender selection, the process of predetermining the sex of your baby, is a controversial topic in medicine. Personal and societal pressures have led people to attempt to selectively conceive boys or girls for millennia. This has led to much superstition and hearsay surrounding the topic. Today, modern medical technology allows parents to choose the sex of their children, though the most effective methods remain costly and time-intensive. Other, less-well verified techniques also exist for choosing a baby's sex — though most doctors and fertility experts regard these methods as ineffective, some research results claim that these techniques may increase the chances of conceiving a boy or girl. To learn several methods to increase your chances of having a boy, see Step 1 below to get started.
Using the Shettles Method
- Determine the mother's ovulation date. The Shettles Method is a collection of techniques purported to be useful for increasing the chance of conceiving babies of the desired sex. According to the Shettles Method, having sex as close to ovulation as possible increases the odds of having a boy. If you don't already know when the mother is likely to ovulate, follow the instructions below to determine your ovulation date:
- Observe the cervical mucus each day. Right before ovulation, the mucus should be elastic and watery, similar in consistency to a raw egg white. Shettles recommends charting the cervical mucus for at least a month prior to conception.
- Take your temperature each morning before you get out of bed. Just after ovulation, your temperature will spike. Because you will want to have sex as close to ovulation as possible, it is advised to chart your BBT at least 2 months prior to conception to get a sense for when your ovulation is likely to occur in the following month.
- Use an ovulation predictor kit. These kits, which are available at most pharmacies or through online suppliers, detect when your body releases luteinizing hormone (LH) prior to ovulation. To catch the LH surge as soon as possible, Shettles recommends testing twice a day, preferably between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for the first test and between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. for the second test.
- Have the father maximize his sperm count. The Shettles Method recommends that the father should takes steps to ensure that his sperm count is as high as possible to raise the chance of a successful pregnancy from a single session of sex. Most importantly, this means that the father should abstain from orgasm for about 2-5 days before ovulation. However, a variety of other factors can also affect sperm count. The tips below can help you get a high sperm count and ensure the sperm are as healthy as possible:
- Keep the testes cool. Sperm production is at its highest when the testes are slightly cooler than body temperature. Avoid tight-fitting underwear, hot tubs, and warm laptops.
- Don't smoke or drink. Men who smoke and drink heavily are more likely to have low sperm count. If you're having a hard time quitting, talk to your doctor.
- Don't take illegal drugs. Marijuana has been shown to have a similar effect as cigarettes when it comes to sperm count. Cocaine and other types of hard drugs are also known to hamper sperm production.
- Avoid certain medications. A variety of medications can affect a man's fertility — some, like chemotherapy medications, can even make a man permanently infertile. If you are currently taking serious medications, talk to your doctor about your fertility goals. You may be encouraged to make and store a sperm sample to ensure that you'll be able to conceive in the future.
- Have sex as close to ovulation as possible. When the woman is sure that she is ovulating, the couple should have sex. In general, aim to have sex in the narrow window starting 24 hours before ovulation and ending 12 hours after ovulation. During this time, according to the Shettles Method, conceiving a boy is more likely.
- The Shettles Method operates under the assumption that, under perfect conditions, male sperm, which are small and fast, but fragile, can reach the egg faster than female sperm which are large and slow, but strong. According to the Shettles Method, the reason that additional children are conceived in a 50:50 ratio normally is that some fragile male sperm die in the birth canal. By having sex as close to ovulation as possible, you ensure that sperm can reach the egg basically immediately, rather than having to wait, which (allegedly) ensures as many male sperm remain alive as possible.
- Have sex in a rear-entry position. The Shettles Method advises using sexual positions that encourage deep penetration, such as a rear-entry position, when trying to conceive a boy. The logic behind this is that ejaculating during deep-penetration sex places the sperm as close as possible to the cervix, giving the fast-moving male sperm an advantage. On the other hand, with shallow penetration, sperm may be deposited farther from the cervix, which means that the more durable female sperm (which can survive longer in the vagina) may have the advantage.
- Attempt to give the woman an orgasm during sex. According to the Shettles method, male sperm, which are more fragile than female sperm, tend to die faster in the acidic environment inside the vagina. With this logic, giving the woman an orgasm can improve the chances of the male sperm. During female orgasm, extra cervical fluid is released, decreasing the acidity inside the vagina. This makes the environment more hospitable to male sperm, increasing the chances that they make it to the egg alive. Preferably, the woman's orgasm is achieved immediately before the father ejaculates.
- The Shettles Method also claims that the orgasmic contractions can help push the sperm into the cervix faster.
- If the woman can't achieve orgasm, don't be discouraged — it's not essential.
- Avoid attempts to conceive before or after ovulation. The Shettles Method only claims to work for the single session of sex that you use it during. Any other sex can interfere with the method by causing a child to be conceived outside of ideal Shettles Method conditions during which the chance for conceiving a boy is 50/50. Because of this, it's very important to ensure that the man does not have unprotected sex with the woman in the days before and after ovulation. You don't want the carefully-controlled sperm from your Shettles Method sex session competing with ordinary sperm.
- By most measures, sperm can remain alive in the vagina for 3-5 days. This means that the father and mother should stop having unprotected sex about 5 days before ovulation is expected. It's also wise to refrain for several days after ovulation as well for the same reason.
- If sex is unavoidable, use a condom to avoid accidentally conceiving a child outside of the predetermined window.
- Understand the controversy surrounding the Shettles Method. Though some advocates swear by the Shettles method and some research has shown that it is moderately effective, it's very important to understand that the Shettles Method is the subject of controversy in the medical community. Multiple studies have suggested that scientific data partially or totally disproves the Shettles Method.
- Note that even research that does suggest that the Shettles method can affect the rate of male/female conception pins the effectiveness of the method significantly below the level claimed — on the order of 60%, rather than 80%.
Other studies have shown that attempting sex selection through intercourse timing can reduce your chances of having any child, let alone a boy. In short, it is safe to say that if you attempt to have a boy with the Shettles Method, your results are far from guaranteed.
Using the Ericsson Albumin Method
- Find a licensed clinic near you. The Ericsson Albumin method is a technique used to separate male sperm from female sperm. The method's defenders claim that it has a roughly 75% success rate, though many doctors and researchers question its effectiveness.
- A list of Ericsson-licensed clinics can be found on the website of Gametrics Ltd., a company founded by the method's developer and lead proponent, Dr. Ronald Ericsson. Six clinics in the U.S. are licensed to perform the procedure, as well as five clinics outside the U.S. These five are in Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Colombia, and Egypt.
Nevertheless, the method remains attractive to some expectant parents because of its relative cheapness (at $600-$1200 per attempt) compared to other techniques. If you wish to use this method, your first step is to find and contact a clinic licensed to perform the Ericsson method.
- Schedule an appointment on the day the mother ovulates. The Ericsson method involves the father giving a sperm sample, that sample being processed, and the mother being artificially inseminated in a single appointment. To ensure the best possible chance of pregnancy, the appointment must be made on the day that the mother is scheduled to be ovulating. You will be asked to provide this information when scheduling an appointment.
- The Ericsson method takes about four hours to complete, so ensure that both the mother and the father have reserved plenty of free time on the day of ovulation and can attend the appointment together.
- Provide a sperm sample. Upon arriving at the clinic on the day of the woman's ovulation, the man gives a sperm sample. This sperm is used to inseminate the mother. Generally, a man's sperm count is highest after 2-5 days without ejaculation, so you may be asked by the clinic to abstain from any sexual activity for about 48 hours before your appointment.
- Allow the sperm to be processed in albumin. Once the father provides his sperm sample, the sperm is placed in a vial of a type of protein called albumin. Sperm can swim through albumin, but the Ericsson method assumes that male sperm, which are smaller, weaker, and faster than female sperm, can pass through the albumin quicker. This means that, after waiting for the sperm to swim from the top of the vial to the bottom of the vial, the sperm near the bottom will (supposedly) be mostly male, while the sperm near the top will be mostly female.
- However, the effectiveness of this process has been called into question many times. Some studies have found that albumin produces no noticeable separation of male and female sperm. Other studies (whose results have sometimes been called into question) purport about a 75% success rate.
- Artificially inseminate the mother with the processed sperm. To try for a male child, staff at the clinic will take a sample of sperm from the bottom of the vial of albumin and artificially inseminate the mother with this sperm. At this, point, hopefully, the woman conceives. As with normal sexual intercourse, however, pregnancy is not guaranteed from a single exposure to sperm.
- There are several different methods of artificial insemination in use, but the most common is Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI). In this method, sperm are injected via a catheter directly into the uterus.
- Repeat the process, if needed. Just like it can be difficult for a woman to achieve pregnancy through ordinary sex, it can also be difficult for a woman to become pregnant from artificial insemination. Though the chances of pregnancy naturally vary with a woman's age and health, in general, most sources rate the success rate of Intra Uterine Insemination at about 5-20% per cycle.
- Note that the use of fertility medications can increase the chance of pregnancy.
- Though the Ericsson method is generally cheaper than many other fertility-related procedures at $600-$1200 per attempt, the fact that success is not guaranteed from a few attempts means that the total cost may be significantly higher. Be aware of this before scheduling this treatment.
Because of this, it is a very real possibility that multiple attempts may be needed to achieve pregnancy.
- Keep your expectations realistic. Before pursing the Ericsson method as a way to improve your chances of conceiving a boy, it's important to make sure that you have reasonable expectations to avoid serious disappointment. As discussed above, the process can take multiple attempts to produce a pregnancy. In addition, the actual effectiveness of this method is a subject of debate — many researchers question its ability to reliably produce children of the desired sex. Finally, even when taking the most charitable attitude towards the Ericsson method possible, it's worth noting that even the method's supporters acknowledge that it won't work all of the time. Generally, proponents of the method suggest about a 75% success rate.
- It's also important to know that some clinics offering the Ericsson method have been found to have made deceptive claims regarding the method's effectiveness, although this is not necessarily true at all locations.
Using PGD with In-Vitro Fertilization
- Find a hospital or clinic that performs PGD and IVF. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a medical process by which an embryo's genetic information is analyzed before implantation in the uterus. This often used to screen for genetic diseases to avoid pregnancy termination later in the embryo's development. However, it can also be used to determine the sex of the baby. If you're interested in pursuing this process, you'll want to begin by contacting a clinic near you that performs this type of procedure.
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) publishes yearly data ranking fertility clinics in the U.S. on their success rates. This information is downloadable for free from the CDC website.
- PGD coupled with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the only ways to choose a baby's sex with absolute certainty. However, it's also one of the most expensive, resource-intensive methods available. Mothers undergoing PGD and IVF should expect to undergo numerous screening tests, take fertility drugs, receive hormone injections, and donate eggs in a minor surgical procedure. From start to finish, the entire process can take months and cost thousands of dollars.
- Undergo fertility treatments. If the clinic agrees to perform this procedure, the mother will probably need to begin preparing to donate eggs several weeks to a month in advance. Generally, women undergoing PGD and IVF are given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries to release more mature eggs. The more eggs available, the better the chances of a successful pregnancy.
- Usually, fertility drugs are taken for about two weeks via pill or injection. However, if the mother does not react well to the most common drugs, other alternatives can be taken for shorter periods of time.
- Side effects for common fertility drugs are usually mild and can include include hot flushes, nausea, bloating, headache, and blurred vision.
- Receive hormone injections. In addition to taking fertility drugs, women who intend to donate eggs usually also receive a series of daily hormone injections. These injections further stimulate the ovaries to release more mature eggs. These hormones include gonadotrophins follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone (LH).
- You may also be required to take progesterone, a hormone that thickens the uterine lining in preparation for IVF.
Some women have strong side effects to these hormones, so first-timers are generally monitored carefully to ensure that the process is proceeding smoothly.
- Donate eggs. As the mother's body is stimulated to release more eggs, regular ultrasound tests are used to determine when the eggs are ready to be donated. When the eggs are fully mature, the mother undergoes a simple, minimally-invasive surgical procedure to remove the eggs. A doctor uses a very fine, thin needle attached to an electronic probe to collect eggs from the ovaries. Most women are able to resume normal activities within a day or so of this procedure.
- Though the mother is put under sedation for this procedure, it can be somewhat uncomfortable. Painkillers are usually prescribed to aid with post-surgery pain.
- Allow the eggs to be fertilized. If the father does not already have a stored sperm sample ready to use, he must now provide it. The father's sperm is processed to isolate the healthiest, highest-quality sperm, and combined with the eggs. Within about a day, the eggs are checked to see whether or not they have been fertilized. Any eggs that are fertilized are allowed to mature for several days.
- As with all sperm donations, in this case, the father will want to abstain from ejaculating for about 48 hours before giving his sperm donation.
- Allow the embryo to undergo biopsy. After the embryos have grown for several days, a doctor removes several cells from each for testing and analysis. At this point in the embryo's life, this does not harm the eventual development of the child. DNA is removed from each cell sample and copied via a process called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This DNA is then analyzed to determine the embryo's genetic profile, including the sex of the child that would potentially grow from the embryo.
- Make a decision based on the testing results. After the cells from each embryo have been analyzed, the parents are notified which embryos are male and which are female, in addition to any other pressing information (such as the presence of genetic diseases). At this point, it's up to the parents to decide which embryos to attempt to achieve pregnancy with. For parents hoping to have a boy, male embryos would obviously be used, while female embryos may be stored so that children can be conceived later or discarded.
- PGD is extremely accurate — by conservative estimates, to a degree of about 95-99%. Later testing can be used to confirm the results of PGD, bringing the method's accuracy to nearly 100%.
- Undergo In-Vitro Fertilization. When you've chosen which embryo(s) you'd like to attempt pregnancy with, the embryos are transferred into the mother's uterus via a thin tube passing through the cervix. Usually, only one or two embryos are transferred at a time. During a successful attempt, one or more embryos attach to the uterine wall and pregnancy continues as normal. Generally, the mother won't need to stay in the hospital after embryo transfer, as more than 20 minutes of rest after the procedure provides no positive benefit.
- Don't be deterred by one unsuccessful IVF attempt. Generally, most women have a per-cycle success rate of about 20-25%. Success rates of 40% or higher are considered quite rare. It's often necessary for perfectly healthy couples to have to undergo multiple rounds of PGD and IVF to achieve their desired pregnancy.
In two weeks, the mother may take a pregnancy test to see whether or not the procedure was a success.
- Understand the costs of PGD and IVF. Together, PGD and IVF offer an actual scientifically-verified path to conceiving a child of the sex you desire. However, it's important to weigh your desire to have a boy against the expenses of undergoing multiple rounds of PGD and IVF. These procedures can be time-consuming and costly, potentially lasting months and costing thousands of dollars per cycle. In addition, the side effects of the drugs involved can cause stress and discomfort for the mother. It's important to consider all of these hurdles when making a decision about whether or not to pursue PGD and IVF. Only pursue this option if you are absolutely heart-set on the idea of having a boy and have the means to responsibly pay for these procedures.
- To increase the chances of having a boy, encourage your partner to wear boxers instead of briefs. Tight-fitting underwear increases heat around the male testes and might possibly lower sperm count.
- Some in vitro fertilization services will work with couples on genetic selection. The procedure typically costs more than $20,000 and, in most cases, results are not guaranteed. Some doctors refuse to test the embryo's sex before implantation because of moral implications.
- No gender selection methods are 100 percent reliable. Most gender selection techniques are anecdotal and have not been proven by medical professionals.
Things You'll Need
- Thermometer
- Ovulation predictor kit
- Alkaline food
- Caffeinated beverage
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/Intercourse-Timing-and-Frequency.html
- http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/getting-pregnant/in-depth/fertility/art-20047584?pg=2
- http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/getting-pregnant/expert-answers/pregnancy/faq-20058504
- http://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/Gender-Selection-Methods---Scientific-Evidence.html
- http://www.ingender.com/Gender-Swaying/Shettles-Success-Rate.aspx
- http://www.ingender.com/gender-selection/ericsson/ericsson.aspx
- http://www.inviafertility.com/treatment-options/sample-semen-analysis/
- ↑ http://www.ingender.com/gender-selection/ericsson/Ericsson.aspx
- http://www.babymed.com/getting-pregnant/ericsson-method-gender-sex-selection
- http://www.babycenter.com/0_fertility-treatment-artificial-insemination-iui_4092.bc
- http://www.shadygrovefertility.com/intrauterine-insemination-iui-success-rates
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/westmidlands/series6/designer_babies.shtml
- http://www.cdc.gov/art/ARTReports.htm
- ↑ http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a4094/fertility-treatment-in-vitro-fertilisation-ivf
- http://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/guide/fertility-drugs
- http://www.centerforhumanreprod.com/gender_selection.html
- http://www.resolve.org/family-building-options/what-are-my-chances-of-success-with-ivf.html