Reach Inspiration Any Where Any Time

It's easy to find inspiration no matter where you are. If you're wanting to learn how, read on.


  1. Start carrying a notepad. Write things down, and Sketch and Work from a Sketch that you think or feel strongly about. Anytime you find something that inspires you, write it down, or when you feel inspiration, try to sketch it. By doing this, you can then access when and how you felt inspiration - and hopefully create the pattern of feeling it again.
  2. Start reading more books. Reading books can feed your brain, and help you collect thoughts that can expand into ideas. A good suggestion for a book is 'Inspiration' from Barnes & Nobles, and look at pictures and paintings. Art ideas inspire more art ideas. Books in general can give you new ideas, and make you think about things you hadn't considered before. A new idea from a book can give a multitude of inspirations.
  3. Try to imagine something beyond what you see, as if it were a part of something.
  4. Use all your senses to find inspiration. Try to make it a point every day to find inspiration in all five senses - in seeing, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
    • Consider stopping to smell the roses; quite literally. Look at flowers in a living garden.
    • Watch a beautiful sunset/sunrise, to inspire you.
    • Listen to inspirational music, or nature sounds - whichever suits you better. Experiment with different ideas to see what helps you along the path to inspiration.
  5. Make analogies for feelings you have.
  6. RELAX. If you're tense, your natural ability will freeze up. In addition, your mind will be cluttered with overly fast-paced thoughts and even anxieties.
  7. Concentrate on what you're doing. Write for the sake of writing. Draw for the sake of drawing.
  8. Talk it out, and write it down. When your ideas aren't all jammed in your head, it feels like you'll have room for more.
  9. Have a friend help writing with you, or painting with you. Two minds are better than one, and 3 or 4 are even better.
  10. Find a nice park or museum or backyard or somewhere. Pick anywhere where you can easily chill and do your thing all at once.
  11. Get a good night's sleep. Without adequate rest, your brain won't fully repair from both the physical, emotional, and especially the mental actions of the day.


  • Get some time alone.
  • Whatever you do, just keep going and put your heart in it.
  • Save all your trials, sketches, doodles, and such.
  • Don't worry about anything. If you have sorrow use it in a creative way. If you've got anger, use that too.
  • If you're stumped, look over old notes.
  • Don't worry about what critics say.
  • Talk to kids, because they are generally honest with what they say.
  • Work in a small group.
  • Think about what you're doing. Try to relax as much as possible. Imagine a picture/scene and put what you feel in your notepad.


  • If you fail while trying, keep at it. If you really don't like it, then you can move on to the next thing.

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