Read a Long Book or Document

Sometimes it's unavoidable; you have to read something long and perhaps mundane. It can be hard not to fall asleep or go into a daze. Breaking it up into smaller pieces, turning off distractions, and taking breaks can help. With a little dedication, you can make it to that back cover if you try.


Understanding the Text

  1. Pre-read. Take a look at the table of contents and any headings and summaries. Knowing what to expect in each particular section or chapter will help you understand the longer document as a whole. Before you dive into reading the entire text, skim some of the more important parts like the introduction or some of the appendices.[1]
    • Perhaps you could even read a summary of the text online before you begin reading or spend some time brainstorming what you already know about the topic.
  2. Take notes. In order to increase your comprehension and ability to retain the information contained in the long document you’re reading, you should attempt to take notes during your reading process. Jot down keywords, main ideas, and anything else you think is important.[2]
    • Taking notes will also help you refresh your memory later when you’ve finished reading the entire thing. It’s much easier to go back over your notes rather than reading the whole text again.
    • You can take notes on a separate page, in the margins of the document itself (if you own it), or simply choose to underline or highlight important passages. Choose whichever method works for you.
  3. Talk to people about what you read. Discuss the content of your long document with others as you read it. This will help solidify the information in your mind as you go. Consider discussing it with your friends, colleagues, teachers, or even try starting a book club so others can read along with you.
    • Feel free to ask questions if you find something difficult to comprehend. Understanding the text is the most important part – otherwise you won’t remember it if you don’t understand it.
  4. Re-read as needed. It’s normal that reading something one time doesn’t make it stay in your brain forever. You may need to re-read it (or at least the important parts) from time to time to make sure you understand the text and retain it for the future.
    • You can choose which parts to re-read based on the notes that you have taken that indicate which parts are the most important. Or you can re-read the parts that you find difficult to remember.
  5. Visualize what you read. Take some time while you’re reading to mentally visualize all that’s happening in the text you’re reading. If it's a story, picture it in your mind. Predict what will happen next. Let yourself get drawn in to the characters and the story.[3]
    • If it's a nonfiction text, it may be harder to visualize the contents. Instead, try to find the reading style that works best for you and use it.
    • Do you learn the information just by reading and thinking about it?
    • Do you learn better by doing, by trying examples?
    • Do you learn by highlighting main points or taking notes?
    • Do you learn by talking about the text?
    • Do you learn by writing about what you have read?

Making the Task Manageable

  1. Give yourself adequate time to read. You simply can't read an entire 400-page book in the hour before class, so start tackling the reading assignment as soon as you know what it is. Most college-aged people can read an average of 300 words per minute, so plan accordingly.[4]
    • If you wait until the last minute, you will stress yourself out in addition to not being able to complete the reading in time.
    • An average document has between 250 and 400 words per page.
  2. Break the task into smaller parts. You will still need enough time in each sitting for some continuity and understanding, but you need not read the entire text in marathon sessions. Instead, set out to read for an hour, or even half an hour at a time. Take breaks every half hour or hour to restore circulation to your legs and keep yourself awake.[5]
    • Alternatively, choose to complete a set number of pages in each sitting. It is easier to get started if you know when you will finish.
  3. Determine whether you can safely skip any parts. Your pre-reading and your purpose will help determine whether you can take short-cuts. Depending on what the purpose of your reading is, you may be able to skim some of the pages. For example, if you’re reading a long document for a presentation at work, you may need to read the entire thing. But if you’re reading a textbook for class, you may be able to pick and choose some sections instead of reading all of them.[6]
    • Rather than read the entire 400-page textbook this semester, could you look up what you need and read only the chapters and sections that follow the class discussions?
    • Would reading the headlines and a few introductory paragraphs tell you enough that you could skip reading the entire chapter?
    • When possible try to work smarter, not harder.
  4. Bring your document with you. Often times, there will be free moments when you find yourself being forced to kill time throughout your day. These times are perfect opportunities for you to steal away a little time for reading. If you bring your book with you every day, you will find more time to spend reading in these breaks.
    • Make sure that you don’t use this as a distraction from other things you should be doing (like reading while you’re supposed to be working). Only take moments to read when you have some dedicated time when you can adequately focus.
  5. Check out audiobooks. If your document is a popular text, it’s possible that it may be available to you in audiobook format. This means that you can upload the file to your phone or other playing device and listen to it while you do other things.
    • For example, if you commute to work, you could listen to the audiobook while you drive. Or you could listen to it while you go for a bike ride or while you’re working out at the gym.
  6. Be persistent. When you have to tackle a large-scale reading assignment, you’ll need to keep at it over a period of time. Make a reading schedule and stick to it. Read some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Read some today and some tomorrow.[7]
    • The average person can read approximately one page per minute (depending on how many words appear on each page), so plan ahead and make sure you continue with your reading schedule so you can accomplish the large reading task.

Staying Focused

  1. Get comfortable. Find a place where you can be comfortable sitting (or in whatever position you find productive for reading) for long periods of time. You won’t be able to read for very long if you are sitting on a hard chair that makes your back hurt after a few minutes. Keep in mind, however, that you don’t want to get overly comfortable because that could encourage you to fall asleep or become lazy and distracted.
    • Try choosing a comfy chair that keeps you sitting upright, but allows your body to feel relaxed and comfortable.
    • Make sure that you have adequate lighting to be able to read. Trying to read in low lighting can cause strain on your eyes over time.
  2. Eliminate distractions. One of the most important parts of being able to focus on reading a long document is getting rid of distractions. Turn off your TV, computer, and phone. Close the door. Tell your roommates that you need to be left alone to focus. Give yourself every opportunity to focus.[8]
    • Try to find or make a quiet place to read. Retreat to an office, library, or back room.
    • If you find yourself reading the same paragraph several times over, ask yourself why. Did you miss a word or concept along the way? Are you paying attention to something besides your reading? Is it time for a break?
  3. Be rested. If at all possible, get enough sleep before you begin so that you won't be too tempted to nod off when you should be pressing on with the reading. Reading when you are tired can be an exercise in futility because reading often makes people more tired, or more prone to give in to exhaustion.[9]
    • Try going to bed early the night before you know you’re going to start reading the long document.
    • If you start reading and find yourself nodding off, consider taking a short catnap. Even a twenty minute nap can work wonders to help you stay awake while reading.
  4. Drink some coffee. It’s common knowledge that caffeine helps alleviate sleepiness, and one of the most common sources of caffeine is coffee. People often drink coffee to help them wake up in the morning or to give them a boost when they are feeling too tired. If you need help staying awake and focused to complete your reading, try drinking a cup of coffee.[10]
    • You could also try drinking some tea, soda, or another caffeinated beverage.
  5. Get your blood pumping. If you’re feeling too tired to focus, you might benefit from a quick workout or other activity that gets your blood flowing. Increased blood flow to your body will help you stay awake and maintain your focus.[11]
    • Try to do something cardio-related – like a quick jog around the block or a few dozen jumping jacks.


  • Unless it's very heavy reading, take the book with you when you go somewhere. Use spare minutes while waiting to make progress.
  • Use a bookmark to keep your place between sessions. It will help you avoid rereading portions or hunting for your place when you begin a reading session. It's also encouraging to see that bookmark advance through the book.
  • If it's something particularly dull, don't read in bed lying down. Go find a chair in a library or stand up to read so that you don't nod off. Otherwise, get comfortable. You may be here a while.
  • If you need to refer back to parts of what you are reading, be systematic about marking pages and/or making notes as you go so that you don't have to hunt for specific things.

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