Read an EKG

An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that records the electrical activity of your heart. This test can help determine the cause of symptoms you might be having or to check the overall health of your heart. This article will tell you how to read an EKG.


The Basics

  1. See your doctor to have an EKG performed. It's one of the simplest and oldest cardiac investigations available, yet it can provide a wealth of useful information and remains an essential part of the assessment of cardiac patients.[1] The paper printout is usually available right after the test. Sometimes you might not get the printout for a few days.
    • When you go in your first time, the process can be a bit unnerving. Sticky stuff will get rubbed over different parts of your body and leads will be attached at different angles to view your heart. These are tracking the electrical activity of your heart; if the activity is moving toward the tracker, the lines will go up (this is called "positive deflection"); if the activity is moving away from the tracker, the lines will go down (this is called "negative deflection"). You'll see the movements on the graph paper when it's finished.[2]
  2. Understand the grids of an EKG paper printout. Voltage is measured along the vertical axis; time is measured along the horizontal axis in squares. There are large squares that are divided into smaller squares.
    • Small squares are 1 mm across and represent 0.04 seconds. The large squares measure 5 mm across and represent 0.2 seconds.
    • 10 mm in height is equal to 1mV in voltage.
  3. Measure the time between your heartbeats. This is known as the P wave, which is the straight line between the dips and spikes. Normal duration is between 0.12 to 2.0 seconds which is 3 to 4 small horizontal boxes.
    • This amount of time should be pretty consistent across the entire strip. If there is a varied amount of time (boxes) between beats, it can indicate an irregular heartbeat. This is only something to worry about if your doctor says so--it can be completely harmless.
    • That little bump afterward is known as the "T wave"--it finishes off the heartbeat, repolarizing the ventricles.

The Details

  1. Locate 2 identical peaks on your EKG readout. Count how many big boxes are between the peaks. The top of the peak is "R", but the whole spike is known as the QRS complex (the second contraction through the ventricles).
    • This pattern is called normal sinus rhythm. It is the basic EKG of any normal healthy heart. Naturally, there are variations of normal within the healthy population and every person's may look different, but still be totally healthy.
  2. Use the following formula to calculate your heart rate: 300 divided by the number of boxes between the 2 peaks. In this diagram, it's 3 boxes, so 300 divided by 3 = 100 BPM.
    • For example, if you counted 4 big boxes between peaks you have a heart rate of 75 beats per minute (300/4)= 75.
    • If you cannot find identical points on your readout, count the number of spikes that are in a 6-second readout and multiply the number by 10 to get an approximate rate. For example, if there are 7 R waves in a 6 second strip, the heart rate is 70 (7x10=70).
  3. Ask your doctor about any irregularities between heartbeats. You may notice that you have one and they haven't said anything. This isn't because they're negligent or not educated; they simply didn't want to worry you with something that is a non-issue.
    • If the interval between the P and the R is too long, this is called a "first degree block." A "bundle branch block" is when the QRS interval takes longer than .12 seconds. Atrial fibrillation is present when, combined with an irregular heartbeat, the P waves are straight up non-existent and instead get replaced by a boring, squiggly line.[2]


  • An official EKG or ECG reading should be obtained from a qualified doctor. Never diagnose yourself based on your own reading.

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