Read an Ear Reflexology Chart

You don’t need anatomical knowledge of the ear to be able to read an ear reflexology chart. The World Health Organization has standardized 90 reflex points on the external ear, which relate to the internal organs and musculoskeletal system.[1] Using reflexology has been shown to be effective against pain, stress, depression, and other conditions.[2][3][4] Learning how to read a reflexology chart can help you to locate specific reflex points on your ears in order to perform a reflexology massage for pain relief and emotional enhancement.


Reading a Physical Ear Reflexology Chart

  1. Get an ear reflexology chart online or refer to one in a book. Before you can learn how to read an ear reflexology chart, you will need to get yourself a good one to consult. You can find ear reflexology charts online or in a reflexology book. For best results, get a large poster size chart. The ear has 90 standardized reflexology points, so it can be difficult to read an ear reflexology chart if it is too small.[5]
  2. Study the layout of points on an ear reflexology chart. You will see a logical pattern of reflex points located on the different sections of the ear. The reflexology points are located on the outer ear and the outer ear canal area, as well as on the ear lobe. The reflex points for your organs are located on the inner area of the ear canal.
    • The way that reflexology points correspond to the human body may make more sense if you think of the ear as an upside down person in the fetal position. Areas of the head and neck correspond to the lower part of the ear (the ear lobes) and the center of the ear corresponds to internal organs. Then, the upper part of the ear corresponds to the lower parts such as the anus, legs, and feet.
  3. Identify specific areas within regions. Many reflexology charts are color coded and these color coded areas point to specific regions of the body that you may stimulate using reflexology massage. If you are trying to locate a specific organ’s pressure point on your ears, try looking in a mirror and comparing the shape of your ear to the shape of the ear in the chart.

Reading an Emotional Ear Reflexology Chart

  1. Learn how to identify emotional points on an ear reflexology chart. Holistic medicine holds that people are more than just a group of organs and that the whole body is an interrelated system.[6] For that reason, some ear reflex points are thought to correspond to certain emotions.[7] Learning how to identify these points may also help you as you learn how to read an ear reflexology chart.
  2. Identify the points associated with sympathy, guilt, and self-pity. Sympathy, guilt, and self-pity are on the outer part of the ear. This area is roughly in the center of your ear.
  3. Locate the points associated with depression and being overwhelmed. Feelings of depression and being overwhelmed are located on the upper part of the outer ridge of the ear. Consider massaging this area if you have been feeling sad lately or if you have a lot on your plate right now.
  4. Look for the points associated with feelings of anger, fear, and self-expression. Feelings of anger and fear, as well as problems with self-expression are located behind the ear canal in the center of the ear. Consider massaging this area if you have been feeling angry, fearful, or have been having a hard time expressing your thoughts and feelings.
  5. Find the center of love and openness in the earlobes. The earlobe is the point on your ear that is concerned with love and openness. This is the easiest point to find and perhaps the easiest to stimulate as well. Consider massaging this point if you want to feel more loving and open.

Performing an Ear Reflexology Massage

  1. Get into a comfortable position. An ear reflexology massage will be more effective if you are relaxed during the process. Try laying in a comfortable position with your head supported by a pillow or two. You might also enjoy listening to some soothing music or burning a pleasant smelling candle during your ear reflexology massage.
  2. Start with the middle and upper areas of your outer ear. Hold the ridge of your ear between your index finger and thumb, with your index finger on top of the ear. Slowly work your way from the top of your ear down along the ridge and back up for two to three minutes.[8] This will cover the regions corresponding to the shoulders, elbows, wrists, feet and ankles.
  3. Move on to the depression just inside the outer ear, near the top of the ear. Using your index finger, massage along this area using circular motions. Massage the area for two to three minutes, moving down along the depression as you go.[8] This will cover the regions of the ear corresponding to the neck, hips, knees, and back/spinal region and parts of the pelvis.
    • Repeat this process three times.
  4. Work on the ear canal. Next, use the tip of your index finger to press gently around the area of the ear canal. Do NOT put your finger into the ear canal. Press this area gently, slowly moving your index finger around the ear canal as you press. Then, move to the junction between the earlobe and jawline and gently press on the area. Do this for two to three minutes.[8] This will cover the regions of the ear corresponding to the internal organs.
  5. Finish with the earlobes. Gently press and roll your earlobes between your thumb and first two fingers for two to three minutes. You can also pull gently on the lobes.[8] This motion may help to alleviate pain or tension in your head and neck regions.
  6. Tug up on your ears to finish the process. The last thing that you should do it hook your thumb under the central fold of your ear (the antihelix) and gently pull your ears upwards three times. This final ear tug will help to improve circulation and will also complete the ear reflexology massage.


  • Don’t worry if you are unsure of where one reflex point ends and another begins. The ears are small and you are bound to press the correct reflex spot if you perform an overall ear massage.


  • The points for ear reflexology are similar to, but not identical to those in auricular therapy, which is also known as ear acupuncture. Be sure you are referring to an ear reflexology chart and not an ear acupuncture chart.

Sources and Citations