Realise You Are Lucky

It is easy and normal to have moments where you feel depressed or down on yourself. If you have these moments often, or are having a day where you feel very unlucky, here is how to help yourself realise that you actually are lucky, and should feel happy.


  1. Write a Make a Luck List
  2. Think about things you normally take for granted, such as having hot water or the Internet. Challenge yourself go without it. If you find it is too important to do without, consider how lucky you are to have access to it.
  3. Listen to, watch or read the news every once in a while. You're sure to hear about plenty of bad things happening to people around the world. Consider how lucky you are not be involved.
  4. Remember positive things that have happened to you in the past. Think about the circumstances that created those events and whether they can be recreated. If not, consider how lucky you are that everything co-ordinated to make that event occur.


  • Don't let things discourage you from reaching your goal.
  • If you have a home, a roof to sleep under, a fridge with food and 3 meals a day, you are luckier than 75% of the people in the world.

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