Recognize Asthma

Asthma is a very common breathing disorder characterized by difficulty breathing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.[1] Any person can have or develop asthma throughout the course of their life.[2] Doctors are unsure of the cause of asthma, but think it’s a combination of environmental and genetic factors.[3] Asthma cannot be cured, but can be controlled. It can also be dangerous if not treated, and recognizing the symptoms can help you see a doctor and get treatment as soon as possible.[4]


Recognizing Common Symptoms

  1. Notice any unusual coughing. Coughing is one of the most common symptoms of asthma. If you cough frequently, even when you're not sick with a cold or flu, you may have asthma. Take note of your coughing throughout the day and mark when it tends to occur.[5]
    • With asthma, coughing tends to occur often at night. Coughing may interfere with your sleep schedule.
    • Coughing is also common early in the morning with asthma.
  2. Watch for wheezing. Wheezing is another common sign of asthma. Wheezing is a squeaky noise that tends to occur when you breathe. Take note of any wheezing you notice throughout the day. Frequent wheezing, that is not in response to something like a cold, may indicate you have asthma.[6]
  3. Look for signs of respiratory infection. If you have asthma, you may have symptoms of upper respiratory infections frequently. You may feel like you get sick more often than others. Symptoms of upper respiratory issues can include the following:[7].
    • Sneezing
    • Runny nose
    • Congestion
    • Sore throat
    • Headache
    • Difficulty sleeping
  4. Evaluate your overall energy level. Asthma can drain your overall energy level. If you have asthma, you may feel tired frequently. A low energy level can cause feelings of moodiness or irritation throughout the day.[8]
    • Fatigue may be related to difficulty sleeping due to coughing or wheezing at night.
    • Energy dips may be common in response to physical activities such as running.
  5. Recognize that symptoms are not always consistent. Asthma symptoms are not always the same for everyone, and you may not experience all the symptoms of asthma. Do not assume you don't have asthma if you only display a few symptoms or if your symptoms vary in severity. It is not uncommon for people with asthma to have symptom-free periods. Some people with asthma may only experience symptoms in response to triggers such as allergens or exercise. Any breathing or respiratory difficulties could possibly be related to asthma and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.[9]
  6. Recognize an asthma attack. An asthma attack is a severe flare up of asthma that can occur on its own or in response to something like an allergen or air pollutant. If you have what feel like asthma attacks frequently, you may have asthma. If you notice others having these attacks, they may have asthma and need assistance taking out their inhaler or getting to a doctor. The symptoms of an asthma attack include:[10]
    • Shortness of breath
    • Tight chest
    • Coughing and wheezing

Evaluating when Symptoms Occur

  1. Notice if you experience common asthma triggers prior to symptoms. Track when your symptoms tend to occur. Asthma is often triggered by specific environmental factors. Coughing or wheezing fits in response to your environment are more likely to be caused by asthma than symptoms you have due to a cold or flu. Write down when your symptoms and note anything unusual, such as physical exertion or air pollution, that occurred right before your symptoms appeared.[11]
  2. Pay attention to how you respond to air pollution. People with asthma are very sensitive to pollution in the air. Common allergens, like pollen, may trigger asthma attacks. You also may experience asthma attacks in response to things like animal fur, mold, and dust. Things that create air pollution, like cigarette smoke, perfume, or hairspray, may also trigger symptoms.[12]
  3. Watch out for symptoms after exercise. Pay attention to your breath when you exercise. If you experience any symptoms when you exercise, you may have sports-induced asthma. Signs may get worse in cold and dry air. You may find yourself getting out of breath easily and coughing, wheezing, or sneezing just after exercise.[13]
    • Keep in mind, symptoms may not consistently occur after exercise. Asthma flare ups can go through varying periods of severity. Just because you do not experience symptoms every time you exercise does not meant you don't have asthma.
  4. Evaluate your overall risk factors. Certain factors can increase your risk for asthma. If you have some symptoms of asthma, as well as certain risk factors, this increases your likelihood of developing asthma. Risk factors that increase the likelihood of asthma include the following:[14]
    • A blood relative also having asthma
    • Allergies
    • Being overweight or obese
    • Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
    • Working with chemicals, such as chemicals used in hairdressing, farming, or manufacturing

Seeking an Official Diagnosis

  1. Have a physical exam. If you observe or experience any of the signs or symptoms of asthma and/or are at risk for the disease, see your doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is important to help treat and manage the disease. Make an appointment with your physician for a basic physical and to talk over your symptoms.[15]
    • Your doctor will perform a basic physical exam and listen to your breathing through a stethoscope. They will also ask you about your symptoms and any family medical history.
    • If you're on medications, make sure you know the precise types of dosages before your appointment.
  2. Measure your lung function. If your doctor suspects you may have asthma, they will do a test to measure lung function. You will receive medication prior to a lung test that will open your airwaves. If you have asthma, this medication is less likely to lead to open airwaves.[16]
    • A spirometry test checks how much air you can inhale and exhale. Your doctor will ask you to take a series of deep breaths if they do a spirometry test.
    • With a peak flow test, your doctor uses a meter to measure how hard you're able to breathe out. A decreased ability to breathe out may indicate asthma.
  3. Take any other tests your doctor recommends. If your doctor suspects asthma after measuring your lung functions, they may recommend other tests. It may take several types of tests over a prolonged period before your doctor can definitely diagnose asthma. Be patient and take any tests your doctor requires.[17]
    • Your doctor may want to do further breath tests to test lung capacity and check for certain gasses in your breath.
    • An x-ray may be required to check your lungs.
    • Allergen tests may be used to identify any potential triggers for an asthma attack.
  4. Work with your doctor to create an action plan. Asthma treatments vary greatly depending on your specific symptoms and the severity of your asthma. Work closely with a doctor to come up with a specific action plan to treat your asthma. Medications, lifestyle changes, and the use of devices like inhalers can all be used to treat asthma.[18]
    • Long acting medications, such as corticosteroids, may be used daily to treat asthma.
    • Quick relief medications may be used as symptoms occur.
    • Allergy medications, like allergy shots, may be used if your asthma flares up in response to allergens.

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