Recognize a Dying Dog

Even after death our love for our special pets does not die. However, death -- even for dogs -- is a reality we must all face. In the finals days of your loyal friend and companion, knowing the signs that would tell you if your dog is dying can give you and your family enough time to prepare emotionally and can help you in preparing for your dog’s graceful, peaceful, and comfortable departure. Following the steps in this article will help to ensure your pup feels as little pain as possible.


Recognizing Fatal Signs

  1. Notice respiratory symptoms. Towards death, from a few days to a few hours, you will notice that the dogs breathing will become shallow and with very long intervals in between. The normal resting breathing rate of 22 breaths/minute, may drop to only 10 breaths/minute.
    • Immediately before dying, the dog will exhale deeply, and like a balloon, you can feel your dog deflate as her lungs collapse.
    • The dogs heart rate will drop from the normal 100 to 130 beats per minute, to as low as 60 to 80 beats per minute, with a very weak pulse.
    • In the final hours, you will observe that your dog breathes shallowly, and will not move anymore. Most of the time, your dog will only lie in a dark or hidden corner of your house.
  2. Recognize the digestive signs. If your dog is dying, he/she will show a very clear loss of appetite. There will be virtually zero interest in eating and drinking water. As death nears, his organs like the liver and kidneys are slowly shutting down, making her lose digestive functions.
    • A dry and dehydrated mouth, due to dehydration, can be observed.
    • Vomiting can also be observed, and usually will contain no food, only frothy or sometimes yellowish to greenish colored acid, due to bile. This also comes as a result of loss of appetite.
  3. Notice how his muscles work. Twitching or involuntary spasms of muscles can be observed as your dog weakens due to loss of glucose. There will also be a loss of response to pain, and loss of other reflex actions will be observed.
    • When your dog tries to stand or walk, you will notice in-coordination and staggered walking -- possibly not able to walk at all. Coma or loss of consciousness will be observed immediately before death.
    • Dogs that are nearing dying and have suffered a chronic or prolonged illness will have a very emaciated look. Fleshing will be lost, and muscle will be atrophied or become very small.
  4. Pay attention to their bathroom habits. Another sign is an uncontrollable bladder and anal sphincter control. Towards death your dog will urinate and defecate without control; this will be noticed even on the most disciplined and trained dog.
    • Urination will be uncontrollable and with little volume.
    • Nearing death, the dog will pass liquid diarrhea that is sometimes foul smelling, and sometimes blood tinged.
    • After dying, your dog will urinate and defecate for the last time because of total loss of muscle control.
  5. Notice the condition of her skin. Skin will be dry and will not return to its original place when pinched -- this is due to dehydration. Mucous membranes like gums and lips will be pale; when pressed they will not return to their original pinkish color even after a long time (one second is the normal return time for gums to return to the original color).

Recognizing Old Age

  1. Notice how speedy your pooch is. When your dog is slowing down in movements but is still able to eat, drink, walk, stand on its own, and can still respond to your calls, this is a sign of just plain old age. He's not suffering any particular pain, he's just growing old.
    • Your dog can still do the things he/she enjoys, like walking around, being petted, playing, or socializing with other dogs, though in a more decreased frequency and intensity.
  2. Notice how much he eats. Old age can be noted when your dog is starting to reduce the amount of food he/she intakes but is still eating regularly. As dogs grow older (and people, too), they generally expend fewer calories and require less food. It's nothing to be alarmed about -- it's just how life works.
  3. Pay attention to how much he/she sleeps. An old dog will sleep more and more, but still being able to stand and move around and eat afterward. A dog who sleeps and doesn't move around and eat is very sick; a dog who sleeps a lot and still eats and seems social is aging.
  4. Pay attention to how they act around other dogs. A loss of interest in sexual activity, despite the presence of the opposite sex, is a sign of old age. Once again, dogs aren't that different than humans -- after a while, you're just content with the smaller things in life.
  5. Notice how they look. A number of things will sprout up as they age. Look for the following:
    • A graying or whitening of hairs
    • Parts of the body, where friction is common are getting bald or hairless, like the elbows, pelvic area, and butt
    • The teeth disappearing
    • Whitening of facial hairs becoming very apparent
  6. If all these signs describe your dog, keep her comfortable. If your dog is already in this stage of old age, provide comfort to her by:
    • Placing her in a well ventilated and warm room
    • Providing bedding so he/she does not feel pain
    • Provide but do not force food and water
    • Spend time with her daily -- talk to her daily and stroke her head daily.
      • Some dogs even when already bedridden and cannot move, can still respond to touch; some will still manage to wag their tail weakly, and some just by eye movement (a testament to a dog’s loyalty, that even to the last moments of life, he/she will try to please her owner).

Putting Your Dog to Sleep

  1. Know when euthanasia is appropriate. Euthanasia or putting the dog to sleep is defined in the The Merck Veterinary Manual as an "easy painless death, in consideration to the animal, it is the act of killing an animal in a humane manner." Its three main objectives are:
    • The relief of pain and suffering of the animal
    • To minimize the pain, distress, fear, and anxiety the animal experiences before consciousness is lost
    • To bring about a painless and struggle free death.
      • If euthanasia would provide him an easier way to go, it may be appropriate. Would this be better in the long run for your pup?
  2. Think long and hard about putting her down. When caught in a situation wherein you have to decide if euthanasia is right, your pet’s welfare should always come first. Try to remove all of your attachment, emotion and pride. Never prolong their life for your sake. It is more humane, and it is your duty as an owner to provide your dog a distress free, and humane death. Ask yourself these questions:[1]
    • Is the treatment for my dog’s condition not possible anymore?
    • Is my dog in pain and distress that is not responsive to drugs or pain killers?
    • Is my dog suffering from severe and painful injuries in which he/she may never recover, like amputation of a limb, severe head trauma, and severe bleeding?
    • Has terminal illness reduced the quality of life for my dog to a point that he/she can no longer eat, drink, move, or defecate on her own?
    • Does my dog have an inoperable birth defect that will give her a poor quality of life?
    • Is my dog suffering from a contagious disease like rabies that can pose a threat to life to other animals and humans?
    • Will my dog still be able to do the things he/she enjoys even when treatment is available?
      • Note: if the answers to the questions above are yes, then it is time for the dog to be humanely put to sleep.
  3. In deciding euthanasia, know that the best person to help you will be your veterinarian. They can properly assess the condition of your dog through tests and they will have the authority to tell you if the condition is still treatable or if your dog is near the end of its life, or needs to be put to sleep.
    • However, in the end the permission to put the dog to sleep or euthanasia would still be up to the owner. What are the conditions that would warrant you to consider euthanasia?
  4. Know the medical conditions that warrant euthanasia. In general, any condition that causes pain and suffering be it acute or chronic is a humane reason to put her to sleep. Here are some examples:[2]
    • Vehicular accidents
    • Severe and unresponsive cases of demodicosis
    • End stage kidney failure, liver failure, and very invasive tumors or malignant tumors
    • Contagious diseases that are incurable and pose a threat to the life of other animals and humans (an example would be Rabies)
    • Animals suffering severe behavioral problems, like extreme aggression even after behavioral therapy has been conducted, that can pose a risk to other animals, people and environment
  5. Know the signs. If you observe these signs in your dog, Euthanasia may be called for:[3]
    • The dog cannot eat, drink, stand or walk anymore and has completely lost interest and effort in these activities
    • The dog is already down and is urinating or defecating uncontrollably
    • In respiratory distress wherein breathing is labored, and the pup is unresponsive to emergency procedures and drugs
    • If there are signs of pain like crying or whining continually due to a terminal illness
    • The dog cannot move its head up and is already lying down
    • Extreme low temperature can be felt in your dogs skin would be a sign that her organs are already shutting down
    • The dog has very large tumors that are already inoperable and already causing pain and immobilization
    • The mucous membranes like the gums are already gray and dehydrated
    • A very weak and slow pulse.
      • When you observe these symptoms it is advised that you call your vet to help you in assessing your dog’s condition. The vet will give you professional advice that can help you in deciding.


  • Though the decision to have our dog euthanized is very painful, it’s a responsibility we have to face. In the end what matters is that we gave our dog a painless and decent departure. It will be in the best interest and welfare of the dog, that their pain and suffering was decided upon by their owner.
  • Putting your dog down might be hard, but if they're in pain it's the best for them. Just make sure to get a final picture, and remember them.

Sources and Citations

  • The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition (2005). Merck and Co. Inc. Whitehouse Station, N.J. U.S.A.
  • PVET (Philippine Veterinary Drug Directory 14th Edition (2012). Medicom Pacific Inc.
  • AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals 2013 Edition.