Reduce BMI

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a calculation that uses your height and weight in order to determine how proportioned you are in regards to your height/weight ratio. If you find that your BMI is above the normal range, or overweight, then there are things you can do to reduce your BMI. Having a high BMI can increase your risk for a variety of health problems.


BMI Calculators

Doc:BMI Calculator,Metric BMI Calculator,BMI Weight Ranges

Changing Your Diet

  1. Eat a healthy diet. If you want to lower your BMI, work on changing your diet. A poor diet can be the cause of a high BMI. Strive for a healthier, balanced diet.
    • Incorporate a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables into your diet. At least five portions of fruit and veggies a day is optimal for your health and well-being. Make sure to incorporate leafy greens into some of your meals, like spinach, lettuce, kale, and others.[1]
    • Carbohydrates should be part of your diet as well. However, starchy and processed carbs can lead to weight gain. Strive to eat whole wheat bread, brown rice, and other whole grains. If you eat potatoes, go for sweet potatoes which have more nutrients. Eat potatoes with the skin on for added fiber.[1]
    • Milk and low-fat dairy products, in addition to proteins in the form of meats, should be eaten in moderation. The bulk of your calories should come from produce and healthy carbohydrates. Go for lean meats, like poultry and fish, over heavier, fattier meats like beef and pork.
  2. Cut back on sugar. Sugar is a major contributor to a high BMI. The average person consumes far more sugar than is recommended. You should not have more than 12 teaspoons of sugar a day.[2]
    • Be careful when eating breakfast. A lot of breakfast cereals are high in added sugar. If you like cereal, check the labels to see how much sugar it contains per serving. Consider going for oatmeal or plain yogurt with added fruit.[3]
    • Watch for foods with added sugar. A lot of foods, like canned soups and pastas, are actually high in added sugar. Always read food labels when shopping for ingredients for main meals. Go for foods that are low in sugar or sugar free.[3]
    • Avoid sweetened beverages. Try to switch from soda to diet soda. Avoid adding sugar to your morning coffee. Fruit juices, which are often seen as a healthy options, tend to be very high in sugar with less nutritional benefits than simply eating fruit.[3]
  3. Watch out for empty carbohydrates. Empty carbs can be as bad as sugar when it comes to causing obesity. Foods containing refined or white flour have little nutritional value and leave you feel hungry later. Processed foods are often heavy in empty carbs and also contain unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. Go for whole grains and whole wheats over processed or refined varieties.[4]
  4. Avoid quick fixes and fad diets. Fad diets and other quick fixes often promise astonishing weight loss in a short period of time. Keep in mind fad diets can sometimes help in the short term but do not work any better in the long term than conventional dieting and lifestyle changes. Some of them, in fact, may work worse long term as the rules are difficult to maintain for extended periods. Focus instead on overall lifestyle change. Keep in mind a healthy rate of weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Any diet promises more than that may be unhealthy or unrealistic.[4]

Being More Physically Active

  1. Exercise. If you want to change your BMI, you need to incorporate regular physical exercise into your day-to-day routine. Try to start a workout routine with the goal of decreasing your BMI.
    • If you are overweight or obese, 150 total minutes of moderate physical activity is recommended per week (thats five 30-minute workouts each week). This can come in forms like walking, light jogging, and light aerobics. If you're not sure where to start, try joining a gym and experimenting with some of the exercise machines and equipment.[4]
    • If 150 minutes seems overwhelming, just start with 10 – 15 minute segments of moving to push yourself in the right direction. Any increase in movement is a great start and far better than remaining sedentary. If a gym is intimidating, you can use workout videos in the privacy of your own home.
    • If you want more significant, quicker weight loss aim for 300 total minutes a week. Keep in mind as you get used to more intense, longer workouts you may have to increase the amount you're working out each week.[4]
  2. Move throughout the day. Regular exercise is great but don't think an hour at the gym a few times a week means you can slack off in your day-to-day life. Simply moving more throughout the day can burn calories and work on reducing your BMI. Make small changes. Park further from the entrance when you go to a store. Walk to work or the grocery store when possible. Do more physically demanding household chores. Take up hobbies like gardening or bicycling that require movement.[4]
  3. Seek professional guidance. If you're going from sedentary to physically active, it's important you do not strain yourself. Moving into a workout routine too quickly can cause physical problems. Talk to a personal trainer and a doctor before beginning any new workout routine. A medical or fitness professional can help assess your current level of fitness and ease you into a routine that works for you.[4]

Seeking Outside Support

  1. Talk to your doctor about weight loss medication. If you have a BMI above 30 or medical complications like diabetes, your doctor may want to put you on weight loss medication. Such medication, alongside a healthy diet and exercise routine, can help enhance weight loss.
    • Your doctor will review your current health and medical history before prescribing a medication. Make sure you ask your doctor for precise instructions on taking any medications prescribed. Be aware of any potential side effects of any meds you're taking.[4]
    • While you're on weight-loss medication, you will be closely monitored by medical professionals. You will have to have regular blood work and doctor's appointments. Weight-loss medication does not work for everyone and may not work for you and one major risk is that when you cease taking the medication you may regain some of the weight.[4]
    • In extreme cases, weight loss surgery may be an option. Surgeries decrease the amount of food you're able to eat. There are a variety of options when it comes to weight loss surgery and it is usually only recommended to people with health issues related to their weight with a BMI over 35. Talk to your doctor about whether weight loss surgery is right for you.[4]
  2. Seek counseling. Many people have issues with eating due to emotional or behavioral issues. Trained mental health professionals can help address such issues and teach you to monitor your diet and cope with food cravings.[4]
    • When it comes to weight loss, 12 to 24 session intensive therapy programs are usually most effective. Ask your regular physician for a referral to a mental health professional with experience in weight loss and binge eating related disorders.[4]
    • If you're uncomfortable with intensive therapy, regular therapy that addressing overarching mental health issues can also help.[4]
  3. Look for support groups. Support groups allow you to connect with others who are struggling with similar weight-related issues. Check with local hospitals, gyms, and commercial weight-loss programs in your area to find support groups. You can also find support online if you're unable to find help in your area.[4]


  • It is important to take your body composition into consideration when deciding how much you want to lower your BMI. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and, therefore, an extremely muscular person will naturally have a higher BMI than someone of the same size who has less muscle. Conversely, a small person with an unhealthy percentage of body fat may calculate as a normal BMI rating. For a more accurate measure of your physical fitness and health, have a professional administer a body fat percentage test.


  • Body Mass Index is not a reliable indicator of height/weight proportion for children and teens, bodybuilders, pregnant and nursing women and people over the age of 65.

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