Reduce Foot Pain from Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy

If you suffer from peripheral neuropathy you know how much pain you can have. Sometimes despite the best care you give your feet, you have nearly unbearable pain. Try some of the following suggestions for learning pain control.


  1. See a neurologist. They are qualified to understand the neurological pain you are enduring and know what treatments or prescription drugs will best treat your pain.
  2. Check your feet daily for signs of blisters, cuts or calluses. Tight shoes and socks can worsen pain and tingling plus leading to sores that won't heal.
    • Wear soft, loose cotton socks and padded shoes, with good arch support. Replace shoes that cause blisters.
      • Try a semicircular hoop, which is available in medical supply stores, to keep bed covers off hot or sensitive feet.
    • Rub a capsaicin salve onto the painful area of your feet, up to three times a day. This is a temporary relief. The generic capsaicin is the hot substances in chile peppers. The pain relief is in the nerves "local receptor overload" of "heat" -- making capsaicin effective as a topical analgesic.[1]
    • Rub on drops of camphor oil a couple of times a day (economy size is 1 oz (28 gram) or 2 oz bottles online, at vitamin supplement suppliers, about $5 or $6). Experiment with rubbing in drops of camphor combined with a drop(s) of olive oil or your favorite moisturizing lotion or with the typical "vapor rub", usually mixed with menthol and eucalyptus in petroleum jelly).
  3. Exercise. Ask your doctor about an exercise routine that's right for you. Regular exercise may reduce neuropathy pain and can help control blood sugar levels.
    • Practice deep breathing several times a day.
    • Practice simple yoga postures which may help take your mind off pain.
  4. Quit smoking. Stop Cravings for Smoking can affect circulation.[2]
    • Poor circulation increases the risk of foot problems and possible amputation.
  5. Seek medical care and prescription meditations that may help calm the nerves and pain.
  6. Eat healthy meals. Emphasize both low-fat meats and dairy products. Include lots of complex carbohydrates/fiber, fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. [2]
    • Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
    • Ensure that you get essential vitamins and minerals.
  7. Massage your hands and feet, or have someone massage them for you. Massage helps improve circulation, stimulates nerves and may temporarily relieve pain.[2]
  8. Avoid prolonged nerve pressure. Doing so may cause new nerve damage:[2]
    • Don't sit too long or keep your legs or knees crossed.
    • Don't continually lean on your elbows.


  • Recognize that neuropathic pain can be difficult to treat and even more difficult to achieve pain relief.
  • Cymbalta and Lyrica are relatively new drugs which help to reduce neuropathic pain; both require prescription from doctor.
  • Get a good foot examination once a year from a qualified podiatrist.
  • Swimming is good exercise for entire body, including the feet.
  • Older drugs like Neurontin can be helpful but may have undesirable side effects.


  • Capzasin products contain cayenne-pepper oil, avoid getting it in, wounds, your eyes or mouth.
  • Be careful operating vehicles and machinery because prescription Lyrica can cause confusion and dizziness.
  • Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program or discontinuing any prescription drug therapy.
  • Lyrica has side effects. Weight gain and habit forming if not taken as directed.

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