Reduce Stress with Affirmations

Affirmations are useful tools to help you reduce stress and lower anxiety. These affirmations are also useful if you need to overcome stage fright.


  1. Try the following affirmations:
    • "My roots go down to the Earth. I feel safe and happy." As you do this affirmation, visualize roots coming out of your feet going down into the Earth, just as if you were a large tree. This will stop your mind racing and allow you to connect you with the present.
    • "I feel light and free. Everything is as it should be." This affirmation is good for stopping general anxiety and nervousness. To give this affirmation extra "oomph," say it with a smile on your face. This affirmation helps you realize that everything is perfect in this moment and stops you from "micromanaging." This affirmation can help you focus fully on the present.
    • "I am free. I am light as a bird." This affirmation connects you with feelings of lightness and joy. It allows you to let go of any burdens you've been carrying.


  • You can repeat the affirmations out loud several times or even just think about them without verbalizing them. The important thing is to concentrate on the words.
  • To do an affirmation, simply focus on the words that induce the right mood or feeling. In this case, we'll be focusing on words that create a peaceful feeling to reduce stress.
  • Give these affirmations a try to feel free to tweak or adapt them. With a little practice and daily use, affirmations will definitely help you to reduce stress and put an end to anxiety

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