Rehome Your Chickens
Chicken's can become physically demanding and time consuming. They are a lot of effort and require constant attention throughout the day - whether it's to protect them from predators, cleaning their large coop or just collecting their eggs each day. Unfortunately, chickens aren't the animals for everyone. If you would like to rehome your flock then this article will help you in doing so.
Considering All the Factors
- Understand why you want to rehome your flock. An issue can always be fixed, or at least attempted. Refrain from rehoming your entire flock if it's a minor problem. Selling your chickens should be the last resort - not the first.
- It may be difficult finding homes for your male chickens (roosters). Roosters are considered good for one thing; breeding. But not everyone wants to breed, let alone keep a noisy rooster. On the other hand, hens are usually sold within days after making it known that they are for sale.
- Ensure your chickens are healthy and well-cared for. Do not even attempt to sell a sick, injured or dirty chicken. Make sure your chicken is ready to go to a home before selling them. You must ensure they are healthy. If possible, around a check-up with an avian vet to get an accurate sign-off.
- Determine where you want your chickens to go. Some will jump at any chance to get their flock a new home, whilst others couldn't live with themselves not knowing they're at the best place possible. There are a few factors you should consider; do you mind if your chickens go to a breeder? Or would you be fine with them being sold as potential broiler (meat) chickens? Or do you expect higher standards of your flock which will have to meet specific requirements such as a free-range farm even.
- The higher the expectations the less likely you are to find new homes for your chickens. Though it is possible. Many people jump at the sight of seeing hens up for sale in their area. But whether they reach your expectations is a mystery.
- Decide on selling separately or all together. You might have more luck selling chicken per each separately, however some people tend to look for flocks. If you have a small flock of around four chickens then you shouldn't be concerned.
- Settle on a price for your chickens. Most hens will catch a price of $20 each, but some can go as high as $40 and even higher if they are special showline breeds. Roosters, however, will hardly sell at all unless a showline winning breed or an exotic breed. Depending on the country, roosters aren't often worth anything at all.
- Take pictures of your flock. A lot of people prefer to see pictures straight up when they see an advertisement. It also gains viewers and attention. The pictures should be of high quality and show the whole body of each and every chicken in your flock. Make sure they show your chickens assets rather than flaws. They should attract the buyer and make them want to buy your flock.
Selling Your Chickens
- Contact small-scale farmers in your area. Farmers have the land to expand and set aside for poultry. Small-scale farmers who are just starting out often look for multiple flocks of chickens to add to their land and can guarantee a healthy life for your flock with the knowledge and space they are able to provide. If you know a farm or two, don't hesitate to contact them. Many farmers can and will expand their current flock if they find a beneficial deal to them.
- List your chickens on online selling sites. Although many consider this to be their last option, it's a useful way to find your flock a new home. The biggest threat is that you might not exactly know where your chicken is going. Sites such as craigslist and gumtree offer free advertising for livestock on their website.
- Post on social media. Social media is gaining a large amount of people each week and is becoming more useful as the minute goes by. Some towns will have their own buy and sell or livestock group which you can freely advertise your chickens on. The plus side is you can take a quick snoop on the buyers profile to determine whether they look capable to look after your chickens.
- You will need to set a price, photo and description on your post. All three will attract buyers and enable you to get more views and attention from your advertisement.
- Look at classifieds. You will find that some people with a desperate want for chickens will post wanted advertisements. You may find these on your local newspaper, public pin boards or situated on online sites. If you're lucky enough to find someone wanting chickens, then be sure to contact them.
- Ask around. If you have a few friend who keep chickens or are interested in keeping chickens, offer them yours! Additionally you could ask your friends, family and neighbours if they know anyone who would be interested in keeping a flock of chickens.
- Distribute flyers and pamphlets. You can use Microsoft Word to create an easy flyer/pamphlet. You must include a title, description, picture, price and of course contact details. Hand them out, pin them up or put them in random letterboxes around the neighbourhood.
- Locate local pin boards. You can use these pin boards to either pin up your flyers or find wanted chicken advertisements. You might come across a pin board in your local corner store or pet shop. Some stores will require payment to pin up an advertisement, so make sure to ask before you actually pin your flyer on the board.
Creating an Advertisement
- Find where you can post your advertisement. There are a number of places you could try, with many being free such as the use of flyers, pin boards, social media, online sites (such as craigslist or gumtree), etc. A classified newspaper ad will most likely require payment.
- Create a title. The title should be the first thing to let the viewer know what you're selling. It should be short and simple and possibly include a very brief description such as 6-8 month old bantam pullets for sale - this title includes what the poster is selling and a brief description.
- Include the price. You will have to include your price in order to post your advertisement on most sites. Some places will allow you to write down negotiable or even free on your pricing. As states beforehand, most hens will catch a price of $20 in US dollars. On the contrary roosters fail to catch a fairly high price if one at all.
- Write a description. A description isn't always needed, however it will gain attention from viewers into what they want and whether your chickens meet their expectations. You should include the age, sex, breed and price of your chickens and if possible, the characteristics.
- A good example of a description is as follows; These two sussex hens are roughly 24 months old and ready to go to their new homes. They are friendly girls, suitable for young children to handle. Preferred to go to a good home that will provide them with the attention and care they require.
- Add a picture/s. As briefly described beforehand, pictures help engage the audience and attract viewers. Your image should capture the full body of each hen and be of high-quality.
- Provide contact information. Of course, the buyer will need a way to contact you. Provide an email dress or phone number (or both) whichever one is best for you. This will enable the buyer to arrange a pick-up date with you.
- Include your location. You should NOT add your home address to the advertisement, but provide the location you're situated at such as the town or your countries state.
- When rehoming a rooster, it can be a struggle. To encourage others to purchase your rooster you should offer him with a hen or two.
Sources and Citations