Remove Coffee Stains from Leather

Busy individuals who love their morning cup of coffee may have had to deal with coffee spillage at some point. Coffee spilled on leather – whether a leather jacket, leather furniture, or bag – can leave an unattractive dark stain if not treated immediately. Using some common household products and taking great care, you can effectively remove coffee stains from your leather items without leaving any permanent damage or mark.


Dishwashing Detergent Method

The dishwashing detergent method works best for coffee stains which are still quite fresh. You can also try it on a coffee stain which has already dried slightly, but it might be more difficult to remove the stain in this case.

  1. Use a soft, dry cloth to blot coffee off the surface of the leather.
  2. Combine some lukewarm water and mild dishwashing detergent in a small bowl. Use enough dishwashing detergent in order to create a sudsy solution. Swish the water around to create enough foam.
  3. Take a clean, dry sponge. Dip the sponge into the dishwashing detergent solution to get a good amount of foam onto one edge of the sponge.
  4. Apply the foam onto the coffee stain using a gentle wiping motion. Make sure to apply just the foamy portion of the solution onto the leather surface and not saturate the leather with water, as this may cause further stains to appear on the leather.
  5. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the suds off the leather.
  6. Apply a leather conditioner to the leather’s surface using a soft, dry cloth to restore the leather’s natural condition.

White Vinegar Method

The white vinegar method can be used either for fresh stains, or stains which have already dried slightly on the material.

  1. Use a soft, dry cloth to blot coffee off the surface of the leather.
  2. Dampen another piece of cloth with lukewarm water. Gently wipe the stain with the damp cloth, using strokes that go outward. Make sure that the cloth is just damp and not soaked, as getting too much water on the surface of the leather could cause water stains.
  3. Apply just enough drops of white vinegar on the leather to cover the stain. Cover both the vinegar and stained portion of the leather with a damp cloth for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. Using the damp cloth, gently rub at the stain. Repeat the process of applying vinegar, covering the vinegar and stain with a damp cloth, and rubbing the stain until it is completely removed.
  5. Wipe the area with a dry piece of cloth to remove any traces of vinegar or moisture.
  6. Apply a leather conditioner to the leather’s surface using a soft, dry cloth to restore the leather’s natural condition.


  • Try any solution on a small area of the leather first to check how it would react, before applying it to a larger area.
  • Try to treat the stain as soon as you encounter it, instead of allowing it to set on the material. It would be more difficult to remove the stain once it has set.

Things You’ll Need

  • Dry cloth
  • Lukewarm water
  • Mild dishwashing detergent
  • Sponge
  • White vinegar
  • Leather conditioner

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