Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes

There is a real "oh no" moment when you pull the clothes out of the washing machine to discover that facial tissue has spread itself all over the clothing. Here are ways to remove all those pieces of tissue, from easy to downright tedious!


Shaking the clothes

  1. If possible, shake the clothes first. You can sweep up all the bits that fall on the floor and dispose of them. This can get rid of the initial easy-to-remove pieces.


  1. Place the clothes in the dryer. The lint collector will remove most, if not all, of the tissue pieces for you. This is definitely the easy option.
    • Allow a spin around a second time on the air fluffing cycle to catch the last pieces.


Aspirin dissolves facial tissues instantly. It's especially useful when tissue adheres inside the pockets and inner lining as well as on the outside of the garment. Aspirin will not harm clothing; it is completely safe.

  1. Put the tissue-covered clothing in hot water.
  2. Put a few aspirin tablets in. Mix till dissolved.
  3. Take out the soaked clothing. Dry in a dryer.
  4. Rejoice joyfully after taking clean clothes out of dryer!
  5. Run the washing machine with aspirin and water to dissolve any excess tissue.

Hand picking

  1. If you don't like using a dryer or haven't got one, your options become harder. You could try:
    • Shaking the clothes outside under the clothesline.
    • Hanging the clothes up. As you hang, pick off the largest pieces that are easy and place in a small bag for disposal.
    • Once hanging, use a clothes brush or a clean soft scrubbing brush to quickly brush off the remaining pieces. Be careful of brushing over embellishments and don't use a scrubbing brush on delicate clothing.
    • Pick off remaining pieces by hand.
    • Once the clothes are dry, you can continue to pick off pieces that you've missed that have dried on. They are harder to remove as they will have stuck to the fabric but they should come off in one piece once you've pried them off.


  • Use the adhesive side of masking tape to remove tissue and lint. Wrap the tape around your hand with the adhesive side out and dab the clothing.
  • If this happens a lot, get into the habit of checking all pockets. And try docking pocket money for children who leave tissues in their clothes! That will soon have them checking before they leave clothes in the laundry basket.
  • You might try handkerchiefs!


  • Always collect the pieces on the ground outside. Many tissues are dyed and the chemicals should not be allowed to leach out into the environment.

Things You'll Need

  • A dryer
  • Clothesline
  • Clothes brush or scrubbing brush (fine nylon or bristle, not tough)
  • Nimble fingers
  • Bag for disposal of pieces
  • Broom for sweeping up pieces from floor or ground outside

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