Remove Packing Tape Residue from Wood Furniture
Using this product will remove tape residue from your furniture, but it will also clean up just about anything "sticky" in your house. Try this.
- Use "Goo Gone". It is a mixture of solvents, based on a variety of petroleum based substances with a citrus fragrance (see also list of ingredients). It is available at just about any hardware store or home improvement center.
- Apply it directly to most sticky spots, then after a few minutes, wipe the area clean with a soft, clean cloth. Depending on the material of your sticky item, a light washing with plain soap and water will whisk away any trace of Goo Gone. It's excellent for removing those stubborn, sticky price tags from glassware and crystal, metal, even wood.
- Remove bumper stickers and the stickers your children have affixed to the walls of their bedrooms. It removes the sticky residue left behind by masking tape, scotch tape, and the yucky, sticky stuff from your child's band-aid.
- Use it to remove gum or tar from the bottoms of your shoes and sap from your car windshield.
- Keep a small bottle of Goo Gone under the sink for general household use, and another bottle in the garage.
- If the sticker is still intact, heat it with a hair drier for a minute or two before trying to remove it. This will soften up the adhesive and often leave little or no residue.
- Use blue painter's tape on furniture instead. It is low-adhesive, and will not leave a sticky residue.
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Always "test" the fabric/item you are cleaning in an inconspicuous area.
Things You'll Need
- Clean, dry cloth.
- Soap and water
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