Remove Streaked Sunless Tanning Lotion

If you're suffering from a blotchy or streaking fake tan, here are some simple step you can take on your own at home.


  1. Take a shower. If you've just woken up from applying fake tan and notice there are streaks after inspecting your body. STOP! Don't do anything drastic. The first thing you should do is have a shower. Showering will help even out the tan that you have applied the night before especially moisturiser tanners. They often feel dewy on your skin and after a shower some will wash off in the dark areas - therefore making streaks less noticeable.
  2. Go get some lemons and use them. Had a shower but still streaky? It's time for LEMONS. Lemons work well for many beauty regimes and they also help removing a streaky fake tan incident. Rub lemon juice onto the effected area.
  3. If these methods haven't helped, exfoliate. Exfoliate the bad areas and then you can use the tanner again to fill in the white patches you have created. Remember to rub it in well and don't overuse it, too much is what creates the streaks! You are better off gradually tanning your skin.

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