Remove a Wart Using Epsom Salts or Daffodils

A wart is a skin growth that is caused by a benign virus in the top layer of your skin. Warts are typically not a cause for concern, but they can be irritating. Many people want to get rid of their warts because they are unsightly or simply annoying. Your doctor can remove your warts, and there are also several over-the-counter medications you can use. You can also try some home remedies. Two of the most common involve using either Epsom salts or daffodils to remove your warts. Be aware that using daffodils is an unverified home remedy, so you may not get the results you desire. There are several steps you can take to make use of these methods at home.


Removing a Wart with Epsom Salts

  1. Gather your supplies. Using Epsom salts to remove your warts is a safe and inexpensive home remedy. All you need is a tub, sink, or bowl to soak in and some Epsom salts. You can find Epsom salts at any drugstore or grocery store.[1]
    • Don't be afraid to buy a large container of Epsom salts. There are many things you can use the salts for around your house. For example, salt baths are a great way to ease muscle pain.
  2. Soak your wart. If your wart is on your foot or hand, you can just get a large bowl or bucket and fill it with hot water. Then add a small amount of Epsom salts to the water. The package should tell you the correct amount of salts to add depending on how much water you are using. For example, if you are filling a bath tub, you'll want to use 2 cups of epsom salts. If you are just making a foot bath, try using a half cup of salts. Place the body part with the wart into the salt water and let it soak for 30 minutes.[2]
    • Make the water hot, but not so hot that it burns you.
    • If you like, you can fill your bath tub with Epsom salt water and soak your entire body. Epsom salt is great for easing aches and pains. It also soothes dry, itchy skin.[3]
  3. Exfoliate your skin. Many times, the wart will simply fall off after a lengthy soak in hot salt water. Other times, it will need just a little extra encouragement. If the wart is still there, you can gently exfoliate your skin to remove the remnants. Do this immediately after soaking, when your skin is the softest.[4]
    • Use an Emory board or pumice stone to gently scrub away the last of the wart.
    • Finish the wart removal by smoothing a non-irritating moisturizing lotion over your skin. You'll feel hydrated, smooth, and wart-free.
    • If your warts reappear, you can use this method as often as necessary to get rid of them.

Using Daffodils to get Rid of Your Wart

  1. Gather your supplies. A daffodil is a common flower in the U.S., with yellow petals and an orange bulb. You can grow your own daffodils or buy them from your local florist or greenhouse. You will also need a clean towel made from thin cloth.[5]
    • Make sure you are familiar with daffodils before applying one to your skin. Different plants have a variety of properties, so you want to make sure you have the right flower to use in this remedy. If you're not sure that you have daffodils growing in your yard, pick one, take it to your local florist, and ask for help identifying your plant.
    • Many people report skin irritation after coming in contact with daffodil bulbs. If you have sensitive skin, you might not want to try this remedy. You should also ask your doctor for advice about using any plants that are commonly known to cause irritation.[6]
  2. Prepare the daffodil. Using scissors or a knife, remove the stem and petals from the daffodil. Place the bulb on a flat surface such as a counter or cutting board. Flatten the bulb, using your hands. You can also use any common item, such as pressing on it with a small plate. You can also use your fingers to pull the pollen-like substance from the stems.
    • You may want to wear a pair of disposable gloves for this process. Daffodils can irritate the skin.
  3. Make a plaster. Collect the extract from the daffodil bulb. It will look and feel somewhat like pollen. Mix a small amount of water with the extract. Use the back of a spoon to mix the water and extract together to make a plaster, or paste.
    • Consider wearing latex gloves during this step. You may not want to have undiluted extract come in contact with your skin.
  4. Apply mixture to wart. Put the plaster in a thin, soft towel. Lightly press the compress to the area where your wart is located. Hold in place for several minutes. Then rinse the area with soap and water.[7]
    • Make sure to clean your hands thoroughly after handling the daffodil bulb. You should also wipe down the area where you made the paste.
    • If this method does not get rid of your wart on the first try, you may want to ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend another remedy.

Understanding Warts

  1. Identify warts. If you have a small, grainy growth that does not go away after a few days, you likely have a wart. Warts are very common and almost never bring a risk to your health. Warts most commonly appear on your the palm of your hands or your fingers.[8]
    • Warts will often go away on their own, but many people choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons.
    • It is common for warts to be rough to the touch and contain small black dots within them.
    • See your doctor if the growth is painful, or if you aren't certain that it is a wart.
  2. Prevent warts. Warts are caused by a strain of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can be spread from one person to another. An effective way to prevent warts is to avoid touching them. Warts commonly appear near broken skin, such as a break that results from a hangnail. Avoid biting your nails or picking at your skin.[9]
    • Because warts are caused by a virus, one way to avoid them is to take steps to boost your immune system. Get lots of rest and make sure that you stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet.[10]
  3. Try other remedies. If your warts keep coming back, there are many other home remedies that you can try. For example, you can make a simple paste using garlic and water. You can also apply tea tree oil to the wart and then cover with a bandage. Simply repeat daily until the wart is gone.[10]
    • If you have not had success with home remedies, you can get an over the counter medication to get rid of your warts. These medications are typically in cream form and are sold at all drugstores.[11]
    • If your warts are persistent or painful, visit your doctor. She can remove them using a freezing process that is very effective.


  • Try different wart removal methods to find the one that works the best for you.
  • Handle all plants carefully, and keep them away from pets and small children.


  • Seek medical attention if you are in pain or concerned about the growth of your wart.

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