Remove the DRM from WMV and WMA

Nowadays, most of the protected video and music downloaded online like Windows Media Player, iTunes, Rhapsody, and Bearshare are all DRM files.


  1. Burn and rip the material. Burn the DRM WMA to a CD or DRM WMV to a DVD. Rip the DRM WMA and DRM WMV off to your computer, then the DRM should be removed from the WMA and WMV files.
  2. Re-record the material. One of the most common and simple technology is recording the DRM WMA and DRM WMV then use an ordinary converter to convert the recorded and unprotected files. Because this technology is easy to realized and easy to support more DRM formats besides DRM WMA and DRM WMV it is welcomed by most of the DRM converters like the SoundTaxi, NoteBurner, etc. But there are some disadvantages for those programs.
  3. Use Hook to remove Windows DRM. Comparing with Re-recording software, these sorts of programs have much higher conversion speed, but it’s hard to make it support some DRM formats with new and lofty encryption techniques.


  • It’s not very convenient and may wear out your CR-ROM, and windows media player can only burn and rip the DRM WMA and DRM WMV (or you will need DVD copy and DVD ripper for other formats).

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