Remove the Smell of Cat Urine from Running Shoes

Kitty got it really wrong when he decided to pee on your favourite running shoes... Never fear, here is how to banish that stench for good!


  1. Find a plastic bag large enough to fit the shoes. It will also need to have enough space to tie up once the shoes are inside.
  2. Place a handful of baking soda into the plastic bag.
  3. Place the offending shoes into the plastic bag.
  4. Tie the bag up. Shake vigorously to get the baking soda all over the shoes.
  5. Leave the shoes in the bag for the next 5 days. Longer than this is fine too.
  6. Remove the shoes outside or somewhere that you can shake them, like the bathroom. Shake the baking soda off the shoes completely.
  7. Place the shoes in the sunshine for a day. The sunshine is important, so if it's too cold or raining, place them in a windowsill for the day or more.


  • If the runners can be spot washed, try to do so using a suitable urine remover. But only put dry runners in the bag unless it sits in direct sunlight, in which case, you risk fading of the runners.
  • If your cat has the temperament to do this once, he might get around to doing it again, so reconsider where you keep those shoes!

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bag, large enough to fit shoes
  • Rubber band to tie bag up with (optional)
  • Baking soda
  • Sunny day

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